Family Guy


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
Looking at buying one of the dvd seasons. Is there any season in particular you guys recommend or a particular season i should avoid?

Additionally, does anyone know what season is aired on BBC 3? Tonight's episode involved Peter discovering he had an Irish father, with Peter challenging him to a drinking contest to win his approval.
No you fecking retard the show was far better before it was cancelled
I know that Top, it's an American show. It was out for 3 seasons cancelled for a few years and then returned, the first run was better
Family Guy still going strong, Alex.
You might be thinking of Futurama.

Family Guy got cancelled after season 2. It is alluded to at the start of season three.

It got cancelled again.

Alex is correct, the earlier, the better.
Looking at buying one of the dvd seasons. Is there any season in particular you guys recommend or a particular season i should avoid?

Additionally, does anyone what season is aired on BBC 3? Tonight's episode involved Peter discovering he had an Irish father, with Peter challenging him to a drinking contest to win his approval.

Season 5, episode 10

I know that Top, it's an American show. It was out for 3 seasons cancelled for a few years and then returned, the first run was better

Ah yeah, forgot about the break, my bad.
I still find it hilarious.
Family Guy got cancelled after season 2. It is alluded to at the start of season three.

It got cancelled again.

Alex is correct, the earlier, the better.

But do i not run the risk of having seen these season's already on TV? Are the latest season's not as good or are they fecking shite?
Right, I think the best single series was series 2. Fresh and just risky enough. But I am loving 7, which is coming out on dvd in the next couple of weeks.
I actually like the episodes after the cancellation, where every joke involving Stewie isn't about world domination or killing Lois. I find a lot more funny his homo sexuality. Also they after that they knew Meg wasn't funny and just made fun of her.
Worst, for me, was series 1. The pace just wasn't there. Every other series has it's good and bad points. Depends on what you're looking for from the show more than anything. For example the later series, although funny, require you to have a broad pop culture knowledge to get most of the jokes, meaning UK audiences miss out on a fair few. Wheras the earlier series where funnier on their own back.
Season 5, episode 10

Ah yeah, forgot about the break, my bad.
I still find it hilarious.

Yeah there are some great ones still in the later seasons, that said when it first came out it was absolutely great to see a show like that in primetime on a network on Sunday no less totally took things a step further. South Park had come out a year earlier but it plays in a late time slot on a cable channel

Cant believe they canceled it originally. When it came back on the intro was hilarious, they made fun of Fox and the 60 some shows they had canceled between the time they had canceled Family Guy originally and then asked them to comeback
From and Amazon - Due for release on 10/11/2008.
"I Dream of Jesus" Season 7 Episode 2 is one of the best!!!

Earliest Seasons are better.

I was watching season 7, I actually gave myself a nose bleed from laughing when Cleveland says "And boom goes the dynamite".

fecking ace.
Love 'em all, especially on DVD so you get the extended stuf they can't air on TV. Every season has its share of duffers. If buying from scratch I'd start with Series One and work my way forward, that way you keep up with some of the running themes. The commentaries are illuminating too.
I dont know why but I cant be doing with Family Guy.

Though I saw a hysterical episode of South Park the other day, taking the piss out of it for its formulaic and random jokes that add nothing to plot development.
Me neither mate. Watched all of BBC3, and again online. But nothing like falling asleep to newish Family Guys!
I used to find Family Guy funny now it just annoys me at how poor it has become.