

2x G.N. Sweepstake Winner, Apprentice Winner 2013
Apr 14, 2007
Somewhere between a rock and a hard place.
Anyone watch this yesterday? The bit where he got the tv salesman saying 'juhvuhkuh' instead of JVC was hilarious. And when he went and stood in the corner when he was talking to the art guy and just started going 'buhhh' :lol:
I thought it was pretty weak compared to the original show. Terry Tibbs is awesome though
Really didn't like Phonejacker, is this essentially the same thing but with masks then?
Anyone watch this yesterday? The bit where he got the tv salesman saying 'juhvuhkuh' instead of JVC was hilarious. And when he went and stood in the corner when he was talking to the art guy and just started going 'buhhh' :lol:

:lol: - yep two of the best parts!!
I liked the interaction in the art gallery, and the hynotherapy to get the guy's bank details was hilarious aswell. Terry Tibbs was fantastic as always
It was never going to be as breakthrough as Fonejacker, because animation gives you more comic leeway, but I thought he bridged the divide very well. It was basically Fonejacker meets Borat and he's got it...whatever it is, and he's in Four Lions too...this year is the year of the Novak

Tibbs was great...here's some of the uncut actual footage.

Never found phonejacker funny and the advert for this was enough to make me not want to watch it.
Biddly Bump.

Can't believe the criticism this is getting on here. It's fecking hilarious and some of the characters are fantastically awkward.

The disabled Jewish guy last episode was great.
This is so much better than fonejacker. The supermarket part was fecking brilliant in this weeks episode.
This is so much better than fonejacker. The supermarket part was fecking brilliant in this weeks episode.

Agreed. The range of scams has really moved on because the same old phone one was losing its novelty... Also Terry Tibbs, thought he was shite in Fonejacker but hes great now.
I love how you bump the thread just to tell everyone how you think its shit:lol:

But yes, I used to watch it but dont anymore, found the latest series to be a bit boring really.
Love the guy in the wheelchair and Tewwy Tibbs. Badonde was on a pilgrimage to the grave of Bandy Barhol this week :lol:
The latest epidsode was class but I agree this series is weak in comparison to the last. Still a big fan though.