European Console Sales


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Nowhere really to put his, and Elvis likes his NPD data, well I suppose that it is released every month which is something that is very rarely available in Europe. A few bits of information have however come to light recently, and it shows that it's the UK (I suppose Ireland reflects this as well) that gives XBOX 360 its lead. Interestingly, games still sell when people are cutting back on other things.

Home console sales more than double to 10 million units

The total console installed base for the UK has leapt to 22 million year-on-year, up from 13.5 million reported in January 2008.

The results were revealed in GAME’s Christmas trading statement, citing Gfk-ChartTrack data, which shows that sales of Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 consoles have jumped from 4.7 million to ten million units as of January 3rd 2009.

Nintendo’s Wii accounted for nearly half the sales, rising from 2 million consoles in January 2008 to 4.9 million units in 2009. While Xbox 360 sales rose from 1.8 million units to 3.2 million, and the PS3 installed base more than doubled, up from 0.9 million to 1.9 million.

Handheld unit sales also rose from eight million units to 12 million, with DS sales accounting for 8.8 million units and PSP reaching a installed base of 3.2 million consoles.

Lifetime Total (UK)
Wii - 4.9m
360 - 3.2m
PS3 - 1.9m

2008 Total (UK)
Wii - 2.9m
360 - 1.4m
PS3 - 1.0m

And some musings from France.

Lifetime Total (FRANCE)
Wii = 2,880,000
PS3 = 1,271,000
360 = 1,155,000

2008 Total (FRANCE)
Wii - 1.6 million
PS3 - 708,000
360 - 566,000

The UK really is in love with the Wii isn't it? 5 million units! feck me! What's the average number of people per household in the UK, 3? That's a Wii in 1/4 of British households. :eek:
They should do the census with people that regard themselves as gamers before including the Wii results.

Comparing the Wii to the 360/PS3 is like comparing a nice bar of chocolate to a nice sportscar.

How many units has Wii fit sold?