ESPN's 30 for 30


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
Anybody watch this series of documentaries/films? It's a brilliant watch and gives a terrific insight into various sports, teams, players and events.

I've just seen the one about Vlade Divac & Drazen Petrovic and how one spur of the moment act and the war between Serbia & Croatia affected a friendship. Petrovic looked a terrific player, unfortunately his life was cut short.

The one's I've seen so far are concerning the relationship between the LA Raiders and the rise of gangster rap in LA, Reggie Miller vs. the NY Knicks (and Spike Lee) and another about the OJ Simpson chase and what else happened in sport that day.

I'd definitely recommend watching this, it's almost all about US Sports, but it is a great series.
Yeah they are good, they had one about the two escobars or something like that that was footy based
Seen a few of these and for the most part they're really interesting, even the ones whose subject matter I wasn't familiar with. If you like sports and documentaries I'd highly recommend checking it out.
I've seen about 3 of them. Absolutely fantastic documentaries.

The one about Terry Fox was as good a documentary as I have ever seen.
They're superb. Alongside the ones about the Superbowl winners each year, it's some of the best sports documentaries I've seen. Surprised Sky don't do anything similar with PL teams.
Agree Stobzilla, Winning Time was great. Not all the ones I've seen are hits, but more often then not, the docs were enthralling

Of the ones I have seen, I highly recommend:

Kings Ransom - about Gretzky's trade from Edmonton to LA

Without Bias - about Len Bias, a highly rated basketball player who died of an OD

Guru of Go - about Loyola Marymount's basketball team in the early 90s, they basically just ran the floor the entire game and shot on site, put up huge point

The Two Escobars - about Andres Escobar, and about Pablo Escobars' influence on Colombian domestic football

Jordan Rides the Bus - about MJ trying his hand at baseball

Four Days In October - Red Sox - Yankees rivalry, and in particular one series where the Sox fell behind 0 - 3 and ended up winning

Once Brothers - about how the Balkans conflict affected the friendship of basketball stars Drazen Petrovic and Vlade Divac

The Best That Never Was - about a young football player named Marcus Dupree whose injuries plagued his career

The Fab Five - Michigan Wolverines basketball team and how they revolutionized college basketball

Muhammad and Larry - about the Ali-Holmes fight

Catching Hell - about Steve Bartman, and how his tale reflects Bill Buckner's story

Broke - about NFL football stars pissing away all their happens more often then you think

Benji - story of a Chicago basketball phenom

Ghosts of Ole Miss - about racism in the Old South and Ole Miss' football team

You Don't Know Bo - about Bo Jackson

9.79 - my favourite, about the rivalry between Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson, with specific focus on what is the dirtiest race in Olympic history. Linford Christie and Carl Lewis are made to look like cocks. Christie just denies everything, despite a positive drug test, much like Johnson. Lewis comes across as the biggest liar and cheat, and his own teammates incriminate him. There is an interview with a former drug tester who worked for the United States Olympic committee, and everyone who is a fan of Olympic sports needs to see it. The US Olympic committee were working with their athletes to allow them to use steroids in a way that would allow them to avoid detection

Honestly, all of these are worth seeing, and you don't even need to have pre-existing interesting in the subject or the sport, the docs are so good they draw you in. For example, I actually hate basketball, but every basketball themed doc I've seen was amazing. While focusing on the sport, a lot of the directors are able to make it about more then sport
Oh, also Unguarded, a story about a basketball pro whose career was destroyed by his drug addiction, and how he was able to rise above it with the help of his family. It affected me on a personal level because my family history of drug abuse, but I'm pretty sure it's a story that would touch most people
Personally I found the 9.79 one pretty boring, this one however, was bloody fantastic.

The Escobars one is my favourite alongside the OJ one. Brilliant stuff.
Had a bit of a marathon with these.

Jordan Rides the Bus, The best that never was and You don't know Bo are all on YouTube in full and all winners. Watch them, especially The Best That Never Was, such a sad yet strangely happy story.
Just watched the one "Once Brothers" about how the Balkans conflict affected the friendship of basketball stars Drazen Petrovic and Vlade Divac.

Really good and worth a watch!