Escape to Victory


Executive Manager being kept sane only by her madn
Jun 5, 2000
Just t'other day, I was wondering who would be cast if this was to be remade...and bugger me...(not lterally, thank you).

ETV remake
I thought the film was very watchable , not a classic but good fun.
A remake could work given a good cast .
But Beckham in a talking part , christ he can barly string 2 words together.

He's not quite that bad...he's been a successful enough ambassador for England on many occasions.

His "acting" with Smithy was OK too - not Oscar material maybe, but he came across well.
I loved the original, it wouldn't be the same without Stallone.
If the film is anything like the "Mean Machine" remake he starred in then i can see this going straight to DVD.
This is just starting on ITV4...Which basically, as far as I can see, plays nothing but rather good shitty cheesy movies.
I love Escape to Victory. It was the first video I ever bought. Great crap. :)
Michael Caine's a famous West Ham player who's had his career ended (or interrupted) by the war....He's clearly about 56.
To be fair, did Stanley Matthews ever look young? Even when he was.
I know a few of the non-speaking players(this was shot at the MTK-stadium in Budapest with loads of Hungarian footballers).

Also, the hungarian original (two halves in hell) is a far better film:

Thought Pele acted better than dear old Sly.
Stallone is a fine actor, you can understand what he says sometimes if you listen closely.
Imagine the evil side


Gibson on the bench

Good side


Tried to pick a whose who of players recently retired or currently playing evil and part time demi gods.