What sort of a site is this...
When we have a Spurs fan who devotes his life to being a WUM and a cnut on Redcafe being championed by most posters (with the exceptions of Weaste, Van Nistlerator , Redcharlie, Stamford Bridge) as the funniest man on earth. A person who not only states that he would like to see other posters' kids dead but also suggests that other posters have sex with their own kids.
This is a site where people are crapping themselves for fear of being politically incorrect whenever race issues are dicussed yet the whole of feckin redcafe pisses themselves laughing when such utterly vile comments are made by our resident unemployed "Silk". (All said in jest though - fecking side splitting!!!)
I have supported Manchester United for over 30 years and find this site a useful reference point particularly since I emigrated to Oz a few years back. Sometimes I enjoy visiting Redcafe - more often than not though I find it largely irritating. Posters will cut and paste something another poster said months ago, quote each other ad verbatim and treat this forum as if they are preparing for a courtroom battle.
Folks let's perhaps now and again remeber this is a footie site FFS!!!
We have one person on here who has clocked over 40000 posts - and he doesn't even support United , another who is appalled by Glazer and his American Corporation as he smugly posts from his plush law office in America, another who will for hours on end tie another Newbie in knots by arguing over petty semantics and our funniest poster can only sumon one funny line nowadays -"hello Spastics".
I just wonder what a man like Sir Alex would make of some of the threads on here. Would a man like say, Paul Scholes be exactly enamoured if he read my complaint yesterday to the mods and which thereafter disintegrated into a race to see which poster could repeat Slabber's offending words the quickest.
Unlike it would appear most of the posters on Redcafe most United players past and present are family men.I would predict that United players would shake their heads in disbelief at the vile comments on this forum over the past couple of days. if they had the misfortune to visit this site. Unlike our several professional posters they probably have more pressing issues than bickering over the internet.
I'll probably still have a look at RedCafe now and again but I'm going to have one fecking long ignore list after the last couple of days!!
I thank you all and goodnight