Epic cinema films.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2008
I may be the devil, but i'm not a monster
Films that were just epic on the big screen.

I didn't get to see it on the big screen, but I reckon Top Gun would have been absolute insane. Its good enough with 5.1 now let alone on a giant screen :D:D
Before I die I wish to see this happen.

I reckon Gladiator is another that was fantastic at the cinema.
Lord of the Rings, I loved it at the cinema but don't care for it quite as much when I have to watch it on a telly. Star Wars is pretty epic as well as was the Matrix.
Star Wars A Phantom Menace

You all know it, it was here, our generation finally got Star Wars, an original not re-release, you were pumped for it, planned for weeks and then booked tickets to stand in some stupid ass queue in a packed cinema with lots or noise and sitting in a lame place. But you knew it was worth it.......

or not.

Every good film is mostly more epic on the big screen than at home, 2001, Blade Runner, A New Hope, I love going to see classics when they show them at weekends near me. Superb experience, like Avatar was a superb cinema experience too, but watching classics on the big screen is also, just a different kind.
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I thought The Dark Knight was a pretty epic cinema experience.

First time I'd been to the IMAX in ages; that opening shot of the cityscape from overhead looked amazing.
Titanic. Absolutley fantastic on the silver screen, absolutley dreadful anywhere else.
Independence Day would have been epic in the cinema.
Jurassic Park was awesome in the cinema.

Saw this at the cinema for my 8th birthday. My mate that lived opposite me, was so scared he hid inside his jumper for the majority of the film.

The cinema was absolutely rammed too - people were sat on the floor in the aisles to see it!

Great film IMO - and it amazes me that nearly 18 years later, the effects haven't aged too badly at all.
Jurassic Park was awesome in the cinema.

I was 6 when I watched and and it scared the absolute shite out of me.

Recently I'd say Avatar and Inception. 2 films that are wonderful in the cinema but then failed to impress me when I watched them on DVD.
Jurassic Park was awesome in the cinema.

Definitely and as others have mentioned Lord of the Rings/Avatar etc. Surprisingly one experience I liked was watching Casino Royale, jam-packed, no-one knew what to expect and that initial action sequence of jumping on cranes blew everyone away.
I saw Lord of the Rings in the cinima and thought it was average, then again I'm not into that wizard stuff at all, and would never watch it on TV.
Never had the chance too see it in the cinema but I bet Aliens is amazing there.
Great film IMO - and it amazes me that nearly 18 years later, the effects haven't aged too badly at all.

That is quite amazing. The T-Rex attacks the cars scene is STILL just as good if not better than most things since...And doesn't look in the least bit aged.

I think the reasons for that was that a lot of it was models either shot generously or "filled in" with CGI, rather than just CGI. Which will always look a little bit 'of it's time' Stan Winston made that T-Rex look so realistic that it'll never look dated, simply because it was actually real.
That is quite amazing. The T-Rex attacks the cars scene is STILL just as good if not better than most things since...And doesn't look in the least bit aged.

I think the reasons for that was that a lot of it was models either shot generously or "filled in" with CGI, rather than just CGI. Which will always look a little bit 'of it's time' Stan Winston made that T-Rex look so realistic that it'll never look dated, simply because it was actually real.

And this is the reason i love animatronics, CGI just looks so obviously wrong but is so much cheaper that it's the go to thing. Can you imagine the Thing skuttering creatures made in CGI?

It must make it easier for the actors as well seeing as they actually have a physical thing in front of them that they're meant to be afraid of.
I could watch that first T-Rex scene literally a million times. I probably have. Literally Richard.
The only thing that annoys me about that scene is, at first the T-Rex "pen" and the road are on the same level so the T-Rex can just step out through the fence...but when Dr. Grant and the girl climb down that wire to escape, suddenly it's a hundred foot drop down :confused:

Good scene, though.
The new Jurassic Park films would have to incorporate alot of changes in terms of the mistakes they made with regards to their portrayal of particular dinosaurs based on thinking at the time.. i.e. your velociraptors, apparently in modern research tells us they looked feck all like the man-eating super predators portrayed in the films and were half the size and covered in feathers.

I'd also like Sam and Jeff to be in the same film once again.
That is quite amazing. The T-Rex attacks the cars scene is STILL just as good if not better than most things since...And doesn't look in the least bit aged.

I think the reasons for that was that a lot of it was models either shot generously or "filled in" with CGI, rather than just CGI. Which will always look a little bit 'of it's time' Stan Winston made that T-Rex look so realistic that it'll never look dated, simply because it was actually real.

Apart from the "it was actually real" I can't tell whether you agree that the effects have done well to stand the test of time, or whether you're taking the piss out of me for thinking it has?!
Apart from the "it was actually real" I can't tell whether you agree that the effects have done well to stand the test of time, or whether you're taking the piss out of me for thinking it has?!

:lol: No no, I'm agreeing with you.

Or am I?


Or am I?

Yes. Yes I am
Yeah, my first thought was Jurassic Park too. The only thing that could have made that film better would have been if that annoying nerdy girl had been chewed up by a raptor.
Yeah, my first thought was Jurassic Park too. The only thing that could have made that film better would have been if that annoying nerdy girl had been chewed up by a raptor.

What do you call a blind dinosaur?

Scariest bit in Jurassic Park

apocalypto was a cinematic triumph (visually), but a bit shit at home on the 42"