Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

He does combine intelligence, creativity and vision like nobody else, after all.
Elon Musk told Tesla staff to vote out progressive Texas DA. It didn't work.

Elon Musk, who has been known to enforce a strict work culture and ask employees to take on long shifts, encouraged Tesla staff in Austin to make time for their civic duty yesterday. The Tesla CEO particularly wanted them to vote for Jeremy Sylestine, the moderate challenger to Travis County’s progressive district attorney José Garza.

Musk emailed employees telling them to cast their ballots for a new DA who will “actually prosecute crimes” and that it was “high time for change throughout the world,” Bloomberg reports.

Garza, who ended up winning with almost 67 percent of the vote, was unphased by Musk’s push for his opponent. Garza said in a text to Bloomberg, “I’ll let my opponent take the endorsement from the man who made Twitter an even more hateful, toxic stew.” As election day approached, billionaires besides Musk donated to Sylestine’s reelection campaign, and Garza’s team called out his opponent’s funders as “national Republicans.”

Garza’s wide-margin win came as yet another blowout similar to his 2020 win in a primary runoff. Back then, he defeated incumbent Margaret Moore by 36 points after campaigning on police accountability, ending low-level drug prosecutions and bail reform. During Garza’s tenure, the number of inmates booked into Travis County jail has increased and he dropped charges against 17 Austin police officers for 2020 protests.

This is what I always imagine Musk actually meant when he said he'd turn twitter into a "public square". Essentially he'd be the guy with the megaphone demanding all sorts of cultural and political changes and he made a pact with those that go on about "the holocaust was awesome" because he'll allow them to post that stuff as long as they support and amplify his content. It's one big hate circle aimed at certain people, ideas etc.
Biden’s call tonight for higher taxes on the rich will set him off again. He’s been on the Dems case for a while now cos he knows they might actually take some of his money.
A nice break from the "Elon is a Nazi" stuff, just some good old fashioned "Elon is terrible at running Twitter" stuff.


Tbh, this is one thing that should actually be decent, although I'd guess that he will revert this once he finds out that cancerous engagement numbers go down.
Tbh, this is one thing that should actually be decent, although I'd guess that he will revert this once he finds out that cancerous engagement numbers go down.

it's because blue check accounts, at least those without bots, have less likes to views (everybody sees their nonsense, half the people hate their nonsense)
it's because blue check accounts, at least those without bots, have less likes to views (everybody sees their nonsense, half the people hate their nonsense)
Their egos are a treasure that needs to be protected, clearly.
Elon Musk Has a Giant Charity. Its Money Stays Close to Home.

Before March 2021, Elon Musk’s charitable foundation had never announced any donations to Cameron County, an impoverished region at the southern tip of Texas that is home to his SpaceX launch site and local officials who help regulate it.

Then, at 8:05 one morning that month, a SpaceX rocket blew up, showering the area with a rain of twisted metal.

The Musk Foundation began giving at 9:27 a.m. local time.
“Am donating $20M to Cameron County schools & $10M to City of Brownsville for downtown revitalization,” Mr. Musk said on Twitter.
The foundation that houses the money has failed in recent years to give away the bare minimum required by law to justify the tax break, exposing it to the risk of having to pay the government a substantial financial penalty.
Mr. Musk, instead, used his small foundation to help groups tied to him personally, including a food charity run by his brother and a “Temple of Whollyness” that was set on fire at the 2013 Burning Man festival, an annual event that he often attends.

He also founded his own nonprofit school called Ad Astra — Latin for “to the stars” — to explore new ways to teach math and science.

But that school, too, would serve a personal purpose for Mr. Musk. In its first year of operation out of his home in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, five of Ad Astra’s 14 students were his own children.

Interesting rather deep dive into Elon's charity. And how it seems to be borderline on following the letter of the law on charitable giving. They are pretty fair IMO expressing that the charity does give money to what many would say are worthy causes. Even if they do not directly benefit him or his companies directly. But, it is interesting especially as he likes to rail on paying his fair share in taxes already and Democrats trying to make the rich pay more. Especially when they talk about the shortfalls his charity seems to have yearly despite him getting tax breaks.

Compare that with his critique of how others, Melinda Gates, choose to give in the posts above.
A new bot invasion - just spams random cartoon links under posts


I love how the site is being increasingly overrun by bots which

1. should be very easy to stop, but nobody does anything (see 3)
2. don't really seem to be aimed at making money (the "pussy in bio" bots often forget to have any link in bio)
3. add engagement numbers so that elon and linda yacca can be told they're trending up

Clicking on replies has become a surreal experience - blue check GPT replies, blue check "thank you" spam replies, blue check awful opinion reply... [see more posts] - random pointless bots.