Maybe you should read US Tech expert Dave Troy interview to Swiss newspaper Der Tages Anzeiger to further educate yourself. Elon Musk is an extremely dangerous individual. Here's the link:
That's a good read, thanks for posting. Although I'm not sure I agree entirely as Musk's actions seem to contradict at times. Mainly him wanting a New World Order and not really wanting to MAGA and wanting to move power from the USA. He's just campaigned alongside Trump purely on Making America Great Again and to me it seems he's more concerned with far right views and countries becoming anti immigration, especially regarding African and Muslim and Even Jewish immigrants.
To me I see him more as someone wanting white superiority around the world and a world where anyone of colour is pushed back to their own countries (aside from those needed to keep the economy going and those doing low paid jobs for slave labour pay, jobs considered unworthy for the majority of citizens in Western society) I do concede that's just my personal feeling and opinion though and his reluctance to ever attack Russia or China and his numerous attacks on Zelenskyy definitely supports the opinion of him wanting a NWO.
I agree completely that he's testing the water with much of his antics and comments the same as Trump is with much of his own comments regarding various countries and leaders too. I'm just not sure I support the belief Musk (Like Trump) is intelligent enough to have a master plan. I'm more of the thinking he's continually off his tits (by his own admission) and suffering from delusions of grandeur and is just a massive racist cnut that often posts impulsively rather than posting methocial, well thought out ideas and beliefs.
Like Trump I think hes a massive narcissist who also has an incredibly fragile ego and hates to be challenged or questioned or worse, corrected.
I saw a Tweet that was supposedly deleted that replied to one of his pro Tommy Robinson posts where someone asked him why he kept promoting the video ramblings of a convicted abuser and known right wing thug , that person being Stephen Yaxley Lennon. The deleted reply from Musk said something along the lines of... I don't know who this Stephen guy is that you're talking about, I was talking about the videos and opinions of the popular political voice of Tommy Robinson.
In reply again it was pointed out (with lots of replies) that Musk didn't have a clue what or who he was talking about. It was also then pointed out about Tommy's expulsion from the USA due to him trying to get in the country with a fake passport. That's when the thread was deleted and as far as I can see all trace of it, even reposted screenshots have vanished from the Twitter server.
It's things like that that lead me to think of Musk more just a hardcore right wing racist cnut off his tits on Ket that shit posts to stir up trouble rather than being a calculated genius mastermind. Ultimately though, either way both opinions show that Musk is a very dangerous man with serious intentions be it well thought out and planned or just impulsive jumping on stories, true or not, with the ultimate goal of steering the world to a political far right majority. Although again, I personally believe it's more narcissistic and selfish intentions that see me equate him to more of a Bond villain type character than one working for a global unification of his ideals. Ultimately no matter what, he would want to be at the top of any NWO as his need for constant attention and the way he posts and what he posts shows, imho.
He's not a man doing this for humanity as he constantly harps on about, it's all self serving with the goal of him being seen as the one to bring it all together. The perfect example being his constant droning on about Mars and him taking the human race there for the advancement of our species. Pure bollocks. He just wants to be seen as the man who did it. It's got feck all to do with anyone else.
Either way, he cannot be underestimated nor can his actions and the potential for the harm he can cause. Especially when you consider the damage he can and has already caused given the unmatched influence he can wield with his huge financial clout, huge global following and the reach he has through Twitter.
Some of the posts here and all over social media that either defend him or dismiss the damage and potential damage he can cause be it from hardcore Musk fanboys or those who just assume him to be speaking his mind and voicing his opinion truly terrify me. Be it brainwashed, ignorant, on his side and aligned with his vision and beliefs or just plain apathetic to it all are all enabling his continued feckery and interference.
As the article says, he will either get his wish for world domination or become a global pariah. As with Trump, it does seem the fear, misinformation and misunderstanding coupled with the ignorance of some, greed of many and desperation of others with the added stupidity of the uneducated all finished with the nice bow of those who truly think anyone with money are to be listened to, forgiven or excused and by many, worshipped seem to be winning the world over. A collective thought that being nice, tolerant and acceptant, embracing different cultures and seeing everyone as equal is now a fecking weakness. Worshiping wankers who promote Nationalism, greed, extortion, bigotry, sexism, racism and hate all through fear and outright lies seems to be the more acceptable view as they shout their hate, fear and lies louder while the rest of us remain too fecking polite to fight back.
As with Musk, Global Leader or Pariah...Given the way things are around the whole world at the moment, I think we are all truly at the point where it's going to go one way or the other, and my fear is if it does go the way of the Musk, then we are all well and truly fecked.
Did I forget to mention Musk is a cnut?