Eastenders Christmas 2011

I've been looking forward to this all month. It's going to kick off big time today.
I've been looking forward to this all month.

Watching it on I player, not reading the posts.

My God I'm tense. I'm fearing for Zainab.

You know what thread this is going to be quoted in
Shocking xmas episode. Not shocking in the good way. Nothing really happened. They got the kid back, but we were all expecting a typical enders christmas with explosions, affairs and death ect. Ah well, bring on tonight.
The Phil Mitchell story line wasn't a shocker either, hopefully there are some proper fireworks tonight.
Mother of pearl, this is the special I was expecting. This is a rollercoaster.
That's how yesterday should have ended! Was weird starting a Boxing day episode on Christmas day.
I was cracking up when Tamwar came stumbling out though. I don't understand where he could possibly have gone considering Masood was downstairs and then Phil and Denise were upstairs, how have any of them missed him?
Utterly hilarious episode. Classic over the top Enders misery fest completely with the obligatory terrible looking house party with 15 people in one small room of a B&B. The place where all the black people live.

In the end it all seemed to boil down to a montage of people stopping people from stopping other people. The gay pretty boy son in particular seemed to relish this duty of stopping people from running after other people, even to the point of stopping his mum from running after Tanwar to stop him from running after someone who wasn't even there....Which I didn't quite understand. Once he'd started running, surely she would've just told him "nah it's alright, she's not in there, I just said that to get the bad man to go in" who had already gone in. Or even better, the gay pretty boy son could've run after him himself and stopped him. But no, he decided his sole role in this episode was to stop people running after other people, so he just did that instead...What?

Good explosion though. Silly show.
I like the way no one saw Yusuf right next to the wailing victims and managed to grab Zainab without anyone seeing. Tamwar running into the BnB was too funny.

Eastenders is getting shitter by the minute whatever happened to the classic mitchell story lines and characters such as Dan sullivan and Steve Owen.
Probably top 5 tv episode of the year.....the 4 others on that top 5 all being Game of Thrones. Good stuff Enders' once again. Brilliant TV tbf.
Are you lot being subjected to some sort of torture or voluntarily watching this?
I thought Affia's acting was incredible on Monday to be honest.

I watched Christmas Day's episode - first time I've seen it in about 2 years and I felt like slitting my wrists afterwards.

Horrible programme. But then I'm a big hater of the soaps - I just don't get what people see in them.

Basically, the storylines repeat themselves year in, year out. The characters are generally unlikeable and it's all so fecking tedious.

"Eastenders - another chapter in the perpetual War on the Working Class!"
whats everyone make of that guy Derek Branning?

Is he deliberately trying to be Ronnie Kray or what?

I have no idea to be honest, I can't stand him though. He's nothing compared to Phil if you ask me.

Am I the only one who thinks Affiah (sp) is hot?

Yeah she's not bad.

More of an Amira man myself.

Amira's face is a let down but I still would, I think I prefer Amira over Afia.

This year's special has been a bit of a let down, all the fireworks came in the half hour episode after and then even after that not much happened. The Yusef storyline dragged on far too long, I'm just happy to see the back of it now. Roll on another month of Afia struggling to come to terms with Tamwar's horribly disfiguring burns.
Think dereks been brought in as the super villain rather than a second phil mitchel. We've had, archie, lucas, yusuf ect. If theyre anything to go by, we'll probably be looking at dereks death in a year.
I find that bird really annoying, she's got one of those irritating mard voices. Eastenders was a load of crap this year.