Eastbound and Down


Full Member
Apr 30, 2004
Love this show... Will Farrell character in the second episode was absolutely amazing :)

HBO Surely creates good comedy shows :)
Thought this might be a thread about Jerry Reed.

I am a little disappointed but can certainly fix that.

They asked me ‘Kenny, what are your main strengths?’ I said an arm like a fecking cannon, the mind of a scientist and a dick like a Burmese Python.

Awesome show, Kenny Powers is a fantastic character.
Is there a new series of this show coming out? I really enjoyed the first one.
Yes on Sunday apparently Kenny is pitching I'm the Mexican leagues which is going to be hilarious.
The things to do in mexico at night or whatever is absolutely hilarious

also his sidekick is MOTHAfeckING HILARIOUS
"You want some beer motherfecka." Then dumps it on his head
And you seem normal even though you are Mexican

Well I dont own a printer and I fecking hate all computers.

Let's face it you all motherfeckin suck.

If this is America you would have a radar gun and it would say 101.

That episode was one of the funniest things I have seen on in a while :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Really enjoyed the first season of this.

Any idea when its airing over in UK/Ireland?
Can't believe this show isn't more popular on here, every single episode has had me stitches
I fecking love Eastbound & Down and the start of the new season didn't disappoint.
So glad the new series started off that good. When he took out the corn rolls had me in tears. I love how dark it gets, his little sidekick was awesome too.
If I hate one thing its losing. If it hate two things its losing and cancer.
The season is only seven episodes apparently :( I thought it would be 12
Steve: This is awesome. You can totally see straight through the butthole right into the pussy. Shit. yeah!!

KP: Yeah man, I dont think those two are connected.

Steve: Maybe

3D's gay. Nobody wants to sit on a couch wearing glasses, popping bubbles out of the air like some sort of fecked up Ray Charles.

Stevie: I am clearly a man.

Kenny's Dad: That's not what your pussy doctor says.
'Same old Kenny, 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag and still hanging around with faggots'
It's hilarious.

I don't understand the disappointment with season 2 which seems to be the general opinion when looking at comments on imdb etc. I think it's been just as great as the first season.
I've really enjoyed the second season, just as good as the first. The finale has tee'd up the next season just nicely, can't wait for it!