EA Fifa online Beta

I had a look but it's PC only and they have no plans to make it for Mac. Their loss.
Just had three games with a Liverpool supporter. Seemed a good lad.
How the hell do you play with keyboard!? I can only use the mouse
Ok changed to keyboard. Does not seem too different from FIFA 10 tbh
Loving it as the mouse control feature is very good and makes things more easy.

My username is JamboKaos87 if anyone fancies a game.
I'm downloading it now, just started it.

Better run well on my laptop!
bloody hard to score though !
I found it pretty easy in the offline games I had a go at.

But if I weren't playing against the AI, it might be a lot harder. Find out tomorrow when I can be arsed.
I've added you both. I'm Girishb.

The game will get harder when once you start winning a lot of matches. And Goalkeeper difficulty is a bitch most of the time.
Ok, just installed and had a go.

Using the mouse is shite. It looks identical to the last version. "Next gen" my arse.
After extensive testing, I have come to the conclusion that this game is crap.

My 2nd season in the Championship I came 3rd & won the FA Cup, great. Worked hard to build up my experience points so that I was on a par with all the other teams, hoping that I could gain automatic promotion the next season. What happens? All the other team's experience increased by 3000. Result, fecked...start again...

Also, the player is very slow to react to the movements of the mouse. You move the mouse to the left to go round a player and there is enough delay such that you get tackled.
That's the point. it's a free game in which we can play and manage a team, and bring up a group of players. And the devs will release a patch, when there are bugs reported - by the community.
The forum is where the users post the bugs and all. There have been a problem when alt tabbing in to windows, they fixed it all. And recently, the reward system's changed a bit as well, I'm yet to play it with the new patch, my gfx card hasn't come yet.
Just as something to mess around with... I.E. low pc requirements, easy to get into, fun, etc...

Just as something to mess around with... I.E. low pc requirements, easy to get into, fun, etc...


it's a decent game is all I'm saying. It's free, and low on system requirements and we can play and bring up a team as well as against other members. the userbase growing too. I'm sure a lot of people who couldn't play the game online before has signed up.

I haven't played it like two months, since I'm waiting on my graphic card.
Been playing this for months on and off now but I can't get into it. The football engine seems quite poor to be honest.

I'm presuming it's one of those games that gets more fun the further in you go but as it stands it barely gets a look-in.

Plus the fact that in the early days the data was wiped a couple of times was really freakin' annoying. I can see why people would like it (it's definitely one of those games you can play with just ten minutes spare) but it hasn't grabbed me yet.
Been playing this for months on and off now but I can't get into it. The football engine seems quite poor to be honest.

I'm presuming it's one of those games that gets more fun the further in you go but as it stands it barely gets a look-in.

Plus the fact that in the early days the data was wiped a couple of times was really freakin' annoying. I can see why people would like it (it's definitely one of those games you can play with just ten minutes spare) but it hasn't grabbed me yet.

Same here. The AI of the players is just so poor, the game just gets more and more frsutrating
I started off with it, thinking it was good for the PC and the mouse controls were different and fun to use but after you play about 14 games you get insanely bored and uninstall it. That's what I did anyway.
Same here. The AI of the players is just so poor, the game just gets more and more frsutrating

Exactly, both your team and the opposition. It gets to the point where passing the ball is stupid.

If I don't pass and simply vary my direction/pace I can near enough run straight into the goal and have a shot. If I pass it there's a chance the pass might go stray or that the receiving player will do something spastic in the split second it takes for the player to come under my control.

There's some addicting features (like keeping contracts/fatigue under control while trying to invest in new players) but when the basis of the actual football is that flawed it gets painful.
Exactly, both your team and the opposition. It gets to the point where passing the ball is stupid.

If I don't pass and simply vary my direction/pace I can near enough run straight into the goal and have a shot. If I pass it there's a chance the pass might go stray or that the receiving player will do something spastic in the split second it takes for the player to come under my control.

There's some addicting features (like keeping contracts/fatigue under control while trying to invest in new players) but when the basis of the actual football is that flawed it gets painful.

Yeah, it just ends up winding me up. And a lot of it is such simple stuff, if I run the ball down the wing, I'd like my strikers to go into the box. Instead, half of the time, mine try and run right in front the man with the ball:confused:
Completely agree. Or the strikers hover outside the box. Or, when you're defending, one of them is back in your own half.

Incidentally, I don't play any football games because of this, can anyone recommend a decent one? I don't play on a console.