E.P launch party - July 7th

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Just a quickie - July 7th in the Fox & Firkin (SE13 6JZ) - Doors open 19:00. £4.00 at the door. We've also managed to get in James David from L.A off the show Glee as the opening act. I don't watch the show myself, but he was part of the rival group to Glee. Cracking voice too.

Excuse the advertisement, but I've been working on this E.P almost 2 years and thought a little be of leeway might be shown :angel:

PM me for more details. Cheers folks.
If you mention that everyone who downloads it will be thrown into a hat with a chance to become a newbie mod, you'd be #1 in the hit parade by the weekend.
Giving it a listen now, good stuff.
I haven't heard but this is a huge deal!

Well done Kinky!
Is 'Diver Shoots His Load' on it? I'll be disappointed if not!

Does Diver post here much anymore? I've been on and off myself so it's hard to keep an eye on the old regulars. I hope he's keeping well.

Sadly Diver Shoots his Load isn't on the E.P, however you might get a kick out of the song Miley. Funny lyrics
I haven't heard but this is a huge deal!

Well done Kinky!

Cheers my good man. It's been a long time coming but yeah...kinda surreal now that it's officially out there and has an impact on charts / public plays etc. (not that I'm expecting a No. 1)
Are you any relation to Luan Parle, Kinky?

Will download when I get a chance! Letter to an Inmate is still one of my favourite tunes! Looking forward to hearing this.
Are you any relation to Luan Parle, Kinky?

Will download when I get a chance! Letter to an Inmate is still one of my favourite tunes! Looking forward to hearing this.

Letter to an Inmate is going to be on the Album I do. Loads of really nice tunes in prep for the debut Album, but just going to focus on using the E.P as a promotional tool for the time being.