Yaaas Broncos!
Anybody just watched this?
I missed it but going to watch it on Watch+1 now, it looks amazing.
I missed it but going to watch it on Watch+1 now, it looks amazing.
Is he your brother from another mother?I watched and he was pretty bloody good! I also realised that he's the son of a women my dad was seeing about 15 years or so ago, strange seeing like that now.
Is he your brother from another mother?
just uploaded on thebox
Obviously not taken from last nights show, but the way he gets the card to jump out is pretty cool.
I'd be freaked out a bit.
If you're on about the tan line trick, I believe it involves baby powder, a stooge (unless doing it to yourself) and an already-existing tanline. But the illusion is fantastic. I'd love to know how he gets the mobile in a bottle.
The only way I can seem to explain the phone into the bottle is by it also appearing to be stooges, I re-watched it and saw how the guy was already half handing dynamo the bottle before he had ever asked for it, then you can see how he swaps the bottles under his jacket, with a bottle that already has a phone in it.
I watched the whole programme tonight and can explain a few things (either nifty slight of hand or helpers in the trick) but there are a couple which I really couldn't get my head round.
I rewatched the mobile phone into glass trick in slow motion and didn't see the swapped bottle that you refer to, but when he brings the mobile phone towards the bottle, he actually throws the phone behind the bottle into his own jacket (which is clever in its own right) and then shakes the bottle to make it sound as if he has put it in. I'm pretty sure that the phone is already in the bottle, making it a poor trick.
The one in the jewellery shop, from the reflection off the glass, it looked as if his hand was above the glass the whole time and he was pretending to put it in, however I still don't know why this means he can get the bracelet out?? Pretty neat nicking something worth £84000 though!
The mobile phone tricks are both slight of hand. He does them both with iPhone 4s (only has the necessary items to do it with these) which makes it suspicious. The one where he twists it we don't get to see both sides and so I'm pretty sure using his slight of hand and actually making it look like an effort to twist it we don't see him putting half a cover on the front of the phone, so on the side we see there is screen and cover where as on the other side there is just the back of the phone. Then when he puts it back to normal he removes the cover (albeit quite cleverly) and turns it over, revealing the back. For the one where he makes the contact disappear, it is just a straight swap of phones to the clear one, note how he makes sure it is covered before the other guy puts his hand on.
On the driving one did anyone notice that he was looking down the whole time? I think there must have been holes higher up on the helmet the damned cheat!!
What else... the snow to diamonds one was rubbish, just had them in the other hand!
The card trick, where he gets her to sign one and then he signs a card, the only possible explanation that I can come up with is that he has a Q of clubs presigned by him. When she writes her signature on the J of hearts he swaps the two and gives her the presigned one to be put in her mouth. He then tuns over the new card, the Q of clubs and signs it. This card is swapped with the J of hearts that he has hid and put into a sleeve I guess. Therefore he ends up with the J of hearts that she signed and it seems impossible that the card that he has just signed can get into her mouth. Hence the magicThat is a pretty neat trick though!
The first card trick with Ferdinand, literally I still love it because I have no idea how its done yet it is so simple!! Could anyone enlighten me on this one?
On the next one with Rio it the guy by the door is obviously helping. He stands so that we are unable to see the door and all he does is walk to the right, through the door and then pretend to rise up on the other side!! RUBBISH!
He does a clever one on the street where he plants the 2p coin on his shoulder wayy before and then magically 'flicks' it there, just a nice bit of slight of hand, plus it's difficult to see anything on your shoulder, try it!
How does he do the loose change one?!? £4.50 seems a bit suspicious though, why not £4.53 or somethingThat completely got me.
Also how did he guess all the names? That annoyed me.
The two I thought were sick were the ring in snowball and ring on shoelace ones. I must have watched each of them at least 10 times and I can see that maybe he caught the ring on the boat but there's no way he got anywhere near his shoes to sneak a ring on. Also the snowball, he didn't even go near the man I swear!! Does anyone think they can explain these without saying his hand are so quick you couldn't see it or something.
The one where he makes the card rise I've seen before. All you do is sneakily attach some really thin white string which is impossible to see without looking seriously close and then your hands about as if your a magician! With practice you can make it work almost like a puppet, hence why it seems to rise in kind of steps.
I can't remember anymore but I enjoyed the show!!![]()
The walk on water trick was done using perspex under the water, and has been explained before by the masked magician.
That was my first thought, but iirc when the police boat came out to get him it went over where he'd walked which made it more impressive.
Obviously not taken from last nights show, but the way he gets the card to jump out is pretty cool.
I'd be freaked out a bit.