Some brilliant tunes. Deserves its own thread.
YouTube - RacknRuin - Dazed & Confused (SKisM's Baroque Out Remix)
YouTube - RacknRuin - Dazed & Confused (SKisM's Baroque Out Remix)
Some brilliant tunes. Deserves its own thread.
YouTube - RacknRuin - Dazed & Confused (SKisM's Baroque Out Remix)
I can't listen to Dubstep in my car or at home. But I love it after a few drinks in a rave.
Yeah, the louder it is, the better it sounds. Some of the best raves I've been to have been Dubstep and DnB ones, even though I don't really listen to either genre in my own time.I like it all the time but in a club when that sub bass drops it's fecking lush.