My favourite artist in the entire world
mate where do I start, ok, you have to get his free mixtape so far gone, and then his official album thank me later. If you like these two get his earlier two free mixtapes comeback season and room for improvement
he's a mix between straight spitting and rnb, his two fellow torronto producers 40 ans Bo1nda are mainly behind the addictive beats
his style is very truthful and introspective, the first thing you hear when you play thank me later is
'money just changed everything, I wonder how life without it will go
from the concrete who knw that a flower will grow?
Lookin’ down from the top and its crowded below
My fifteen minutes started an hour ago
Truth over fame, you know I respect the blatant shit
When I hear dem talkin, I just dont know what to make of it
Hate is so familiar to me, I’m slowly embracing it
Doesn’t come natural, bear with me it could take a bit' for example
get so far gone first because it will show you what he's all about, I'll post the best track off it
he's got so many great songs we'll be here all night literally