Dragonball Z


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
had a quick search of forums and don't htink there was anything related..

i've been long considering getting the funimation box set of dragonball z

does anyone have it? is it the seriously nerfed english verison they showed on TV many years ago (i.e Hall of Infinite Losers instead of hell, and lots of more 'violent' scenes cut and censored?)

or is it the original animation shown in japan? does it have the original jap soundtrack with subbies?
I dont know about the set, but it probably be the english/cleaner version.

Anyways, Dragonball Z was the shit, I loved that show to death.
I may or may not have watched that a lot quite a few years ago. I also may or may not have imported some Japanese Dragonball game I couldn't even read.

Apparently there's a new version of the show here in the states, which is closer to how the original was supposed to be, in terms of dialogue and leaving scenes in.
I may or may not have watched that a lot quite a few years ago. I also may or may not have imported some Japanese Dragonball game I couldn't even read.

Apparently there's a new version of the show here in the states, which is closer to how the original was supposed to be, in terms of dialogue and leaving scenes in.

yeah i think this is what i'm talking about. Does anyone have these box sets?

Amazon.com: Dragon Ball Z: Season Nine (Majin Buu Saga): Movies & TV
Dragon Ball Z Kai is the name of the edited series. They changed it to make it more like the manga, taking out all the "hnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh" filler stuff.
yeah i think this is what i'm talking about. Does anyone have these box sets?

Amazon.com: Dragon Ball Z: Season Nine (Majin Buu Saga): Movies & TV

I most definitely do not have the entire collection of those at home. From what... somebody told me they're the unedited originals remastered with some of the voiceovers touched up, the original japanese music and some extra scenes that were cut out.

And i will definitely not be buying the complete DBZ Kai series on Blu Ray when it comes out.

Freiza saga was awesome, then they started having too many Super Saiyans.
I think they desperately under did the actual power of the super saiyans. As somebody said, what was meant to be the most feared legend in the universe turned in to a big pile of crap 15 episodes later with the power becoming obsolete.
As far as i'm concerned only Vegeta and Goku should have been able to transform. Gohan was special and as we saw in the BUU saga, he didn't need the super saiyan power to fight at his maximum.

Don't get me started on Fusion either....
What's the difference between the clean version and the real one?

I don't know all of the specifics but here's a few:
- HELL become 'HFIL' - Hall for Infinite Losers
- There was a scene where one of the Ginyu force gets killed by Vegeta and according to my mate the 'clean' version superimposed the head back on the decapiated body
- blood is scrubbed out of some of the frames/animations

stuff like that.

If you watched Naruto original vs Naruto dubbed there was a scene where Kakashi stabs a dude in the heart with his fist and in the dubbed 'clean' version one minute he strikes the next minute the dude is dead. and the music jumps all over the place!
I always considered myself Gohan, my dad Goku, and my uncle Vegeta.

I am fecked in the head.

My best mate considered himself Goku, he is fecked in the head.

He did his best to get me into it. And i have to say after a while i did enjoy not going to school, sitting around at his watching the series. Vegeta was the main man though, he made the show for me.
The daddy of all action-animes.

Just watched all the 276 episodes in the past week. Never gets old. If we're playing who's who, I call dibs on trunks.(no homo).

I remember watching loads of the episodes with the pink blob (Mojimbu?) when I was young and absolutely loving it, and now I want to download and watch again because it was cut short on me by Cartoon Network.

But it's fecking confusing. As I believe, DragonBall Z has around 290 episodes, but there's a prequel called Dragon Ball too, should I be getting that?
Dragonball came first, followed by Z, followed by the awful GT. I think in Japan they don't even call it Dragonball Z, it's just a continuation.

Sometimes I forget how cool I am.
I remember rushing home from school to watch this. Those were the days...
My primary school days used to consist of watching dragon ball z in the morning then talking about it all day at school. I was lovin life.
I very recently had a rather drunken and way too heated debate with a goth mate of mine about who was more powerful, Goku or Lestat (from the Anne Rice novels). Needless to say I won :devil:

Never ever watched this before. Seeing as I'm always looking for new ways to avoid doing my uni work, should I watch the Dragon Ball prequel or go straight to Z? Is Dragon Ball more boring?
Never ever watched this before. Seeing as I'm always looking for new ways to avoid doing my uni work, should I watch the Dragon Ball prequel or go straight to Z? Is Dragon Ball more boring?

I found Dragonball boring, just watch Dragonball Z as the Vegeta Saga should fill in the back-story.
It was amazing when I was a kid. Now looking back, the writers were cheeky c*nts. Spending about 4 hours worth of episodes charging a spirit bomb. Then it doesn't kill Freiza or even do any real damage. And I agree that they massively under did the power of Super Saiyans.
The daddy of all action-animes.

Just watched all the 276 episodes in the past week. Never gets old. If we're playing who's who, I call dibs on trunks.(no homo).

In one week!? Did you have nothing else to do???
You're going to responsible for my 2:2 or below this year.
But it's worth it :D
It was amazing when I was a kid. Now looking back, the writers were cheeky c*nts. Spending about 4 hours worth of episodes charging a spirit bomb. Then it doesn't kill Freiza or even do any real damage. And I agree that they massively under did the power of Super Saiyans.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Good one.

Basically DBZ was the first show I pirated, back in the days at school where I was streaming it on the shittiest real player player ever. Aaaah.

I might pick up that DBZ PS3 game. Looks pretty good.