Dr. Strangelove

Kubruck is mint. I prefer a clockwork orange myself but still..he is one of the best directors of all time. By the way, try download the documentary Stanley Kubrick: A life in pictures you will find some cool stuff about him and his movies.
Excellent film, and I think Peter Sellars did a fantastic job. What makes this film so great is the subte humour and irony, rather than slapstick humour.
I keep meaning to watch it but then I remember how much I have hated every other Kubric film.
is a good film, Kubericks best, sellars is fantastic but it would be in my favourite films though
is a good film, Kubericks best, sellars is fantastic but it would be in my favourite films though

Great film but doubt I'd call it his best. I say that's a toss up between:

Paths of glory, 2001 and Dr Strangelove. My choice would be Paths of Glory.
In that case, I think that Frosty is lying. He's got other films at home that he likes more, I'm sure of it.