Downloading PS1 games on the PC


There is non worthy of worship except God
Jul 7, 2006
Is this possible, either officially or unofficially? And if the latter, where would one (not me, of course) go to download them safely?
You definitely shouldn't visit

Your friend would need to make sure they had the correct video and sound settings and all the Bios as well when they download an emulator.

Not that I know of course.
You can emulate psx games on the Pc

That thing in the pic. Basically what the PS3 should have been. Why the fanny around making these odd shaped cases is beyond me, just stick it in a Hi-Fi separates box and be done with it. It would be cheaper as well!

PSX was a PS2 with DVR capability (so it had TV inputs). It was also the first device to use the XMB. It was not made by SCE as far as I remember, it was made by Sony Electronics.
That thing in the pic. Basically what the PS3 should have been. Why the fanny around making these odd shaped cases is beyond me, just stick it in a Hi-Fi separates box and be done with it. It would be cheaper as well!

PSX was a PS2 with DVR capability (so it had TV inputs). It was also the first device to use the XMB. It was not made by SCE as far as I remember, it was made by Sony Electronics.

The PSX was actually the name of the PS1. They were branding the PS2 the PSX2 for a while too, before officially announcing it as the PS2 to consumers.
PSX was its codename internal to Sony during its development. PS1 was branded simply Playstation, and then PSone. No different to Dolphin being the Gamecube.

Isn't that what I'm saying? Oh and internally and to developers, the psx and psx2 where what they were officially calling them through their whole life. Nintendo were using GCN, Dolpin was what they ended up calling the dev kits (I've actually still got the 'real' emulator somewhere).
Well, yes, but it was never branded as such. As far as I understand it, PSX stood for PlayStation eXperimental, and it started with this.


Nintendo chucked their dummy out of the pram, ran off to Philips, and all didn't end well. In the meantime, Kutaragi already had the bug and started to behave like a nutty professor, and the rest as they say is history.

You shouldn't really call the original the PSX.
Well, yes, but it was never branded as such. As far as I understand it, PSX stood for PlayStation eXperimental, and it started with this.


Nintendo chucked their dummy out of the pram, ran off to Philips, and all didn't end well. In the meantime, Kutaragi already had the bug and started to behave like a nutty professor, and the rest as they say is history.

You shouldn't really call the original the PSX.

That's what Sony refer to it as. When talking about PSX, they mean the Playstation 1. Then again I still use GCN and AGB. Oh and I believe the Nintendo one was originally something like NPX in the very early days but don't quote me on that :lol: