Downloadable Games

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
I'm not talking about the cracked variety.

I don't mind paying for a PC game I reckon will be good, I'm just wondering if many games are available for download kinda like that horror game posted up here a while back - forget the name of it. Amnesia I think

Not really arsed spending time shopping in stores like Game when you can pick up some older bargains online
Portal is a great game that's I believe is available for free at the moment through Steam.
Steam is the way to go nowadays.

Oh and kinks if you liked Amnesia then be sure to try out Penumbra, its done by the same team and around £7 on Steam.
I didn't play Amnesia fully because I didn't have a mouse at the time and it was a nightmare on the mouse pad. In saying that, I enjoyed the demo
Steam is the way to go nowadays.

Oh and kinks if you liked Amnesia then be sure to try out Penumbra, its done by the same team and around £7 on Steam.

There seems to be quite a few free to play games on that Steam website. Any of them worth a shot ?
I'm not talking about the cracked variety.

I don't mind paying for a PC game I reckon will be good, I'm just wondering if many games are available for download kinda like that horror game posted up here a while back - forget the name of it. Amnesia I think

Not really arsed spending time shopping in stores like Game when you can pick up some older bargains online

One of the best adventure games I've played. Looks a little dated but it still tells an incredible story.
Downloaded it and playing the demo now. It's exactly the type of game I wanted. Good old click and point. Enjoying this immediately :)
One of the best adventure games I've played. Looks a little dated but it still tells an incredible story.

While I like the element of click and point puzzle / adventure I do think the voice overs are a bit cheesey. I also think they could have done a better job on the animation to match the context of emotion / conversation

The captain at the very start has only one type of walk which is extremely slow. So despite claiming to be in a hurry to rescue something or other due to an in-coming storm, he takes off at snail's pace :lol:
Thanks Cinc. Will give it a look when I get home from work. Can you give me a summary on the game please?
Thanks Cinc. Will give it a look when I get home from work. Can you give me a summary on the game please?

Its a 2d action-puzzle game with simple controls (4 directions and the ctrl key) and an eerie, dark atmosphere. You play as a boy who wakes up in "Limbo". Its black and white, without music. Tha gameplay is clever, simple, and easy in the beginning, but its get really hard towards the end.

You die constantly, but it doesnt matter as the games autosaves before every puzzle.

Any decent pirate pirate I mean games involving pirates on ships blowing the crap out of one another, plundering gold etc rather than.....yeah you know what I mean

I had Sid Miers 'Pirates' which was fun. Something similar would be cool if anyone know of any
Any decent pirate pirate I mean games involving pirates on ships blowing the crap out of one another, plundering gold etc rather than.....yeah you know what I mean

I had Sid Miers 'Pirates' which was fun. Something similar would be cool if anyone know of any

There was an updated version of it a few years ago (2004 I think), It kept most of the charm of the original. Couldnt find the last relatives in this version though.

Sid Meier's Pirates! on Steam
Its a 2d action-puzzle game with simple controls (4 directions and the ctrl key) and an eerie, dark atmosphere. You play as a boy who wakes up in "Limbo". Its black and white, without music. Tha gameplay is clever, simple, and easy in the beginning, but its get really hard towards the end.

You die constantly, but it doesnt matter as the games autosaves before every puzzle.

That looks really good ! Really creepy
Kinky pay attention to Steam sales, especially during the mid-summer. I got both Mass Effect 1 and 2 for $20 total and Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition for $10. I also snagged Batman: Arkham Asylum for $10.

Move quickly on the Portal deal. It may end soon. Team Fortress 2 is also free to play.

Also be on the lookout for the Humble Indie Bundle on deals sites. Every so often they'll put together a package of 5+ indie games for a name-your-own-price deal and you can just drop the code into Steam and download them. The most recent bundle gave everybody who paid over the average price all the games from the previous bundle as well.

The general way I approach Steam is that unless there's a game I want to play RIGHT NOW, there's a very good chance that any of the major games that I want will be available at some point for $15 or less while some of the lesser known ones will be available at some point for $5 or less. There are some fantastic deals if you're patient enough to wait for them and attentive enough to spot them. As of right now I have such a backlog of Steam games that I haven't played that I have no problem being patient at all. I don't need to buy Portal 2 right now because I have roughly 20 games I've bought but need to play/finish first.
I bought CIV 5 yesterday evening and have been well into it. Actually on thate note, if there are other CIV 5 heads on here I would like some advice regarding the game. There is an aspect of the game that is pissing me off. Well actually 2 aspects.

1. Building roads. For some reason I request my workers to build a road and sometimes they will finish without actually building a road

2. Auto unit. When one of my units has finished a move (say a battle or something) I would have expected the game to move to my next unit awaiting command. It was easy due to having feck all units. I only played it for an hour or so, but if it was well into the game I'd imagine it would have become quite confusing
Massive Sega sale on Steam today

Notable Titles:

Alpha Protocol $2
Aliens vs Predator $5
Sega Genesis Classics Collection $7.50
Dreamcast Collection $7.50
Total War Mega Pack $17
Total War Shogun 2 $25
Sega Collector Pack $80

More Titles:

Empire & Napoleon Total War GOTY Edition $15
Vancouver 2010 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Winter Games $12.50
Virtua Tennis $15
Stormrise $10
Universe at War: Earth Assault $10
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing $10
Napoleon: Total War Imperial Edition $10
Empire: Total War $10
Football Manager 2011 $10
The Club $7.50
Space Siege $7.50
Napoleon: Total War - The Peninsular Campaign (DLC) $5
Napoleon: Total War - Coalition Battle Pack (DLC) $1.62
Empire: Total War Downloadable Content Pack $9
Empire: Total War - The Warpath Campaign (DLC) $5
Empire: Total War - Elite Units of the West (DLC) $1.62
Empire: Total War - Elite Units of America (DLC) $1.62
Empire: Total War - Special Forces Units & Bonus Content (DLC) $1.24
Empire: Total War - Elite Units of the East (DLC) $1.62
Rome: Total War - Complete $5
Medieval II Gold $5
Virtua Tennis 2009 $5
Rome: Total War - Gold $5
Medieval II: Total War $5
SEGA Genesis Classics Pack $1.87
SEGA Genesis Classics Pack 2 $1.87
SEGA Genesis Classics Pack 3 $1.87
SEGA Genesis Classics Pack 4 $1.87
Aliens vs Predator Bughunt Map Pack (DLC) $1.87
Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack (DLC) $1.87
Space Channel 5: Part 2 $2.24
SEGA Bass Fishing $2.24
Sonic Adventure DX $2.24
Rome: Total War - Alexander $2.50
Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms $2.50
Total War: Shogun 2 - The Ikko Ikki Clan Pack $2.50
Crazy Taxi $2.24
Space Harrier II $0.74
Sonic Spinball $1.24
Crack Down $0.74
Ristar $0.74
Bonanza Bros $0.74
Ecco Jr $0.74
Sonic the Hedgehog $1.24
Sonic 3 and Knuckles $1.24
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $1.24
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master $0.74
Ecco the Dolphin $0.74
Sonic 3D Blast $1.24
Altered Beast $0.74
Comix Zone $0.74
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle $0.74
Golden Axe $0.74
Vectorman $0.74
Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine $1.24
Fatal Labyrinth $0.74
Shadow Dancer $0.74
Gain Ground $0.74
Super Thunder Blade $0.74
Galaxy Force II $0.74
Eternal Champions $0.74
Columns $0.74
Kid Chameleon $0.74
Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole $0.74
Gunstar Heroes $0.74
Shining in the Darkness $0.74
Shining Force II $0.74
Light Crusader $0.74
Ecco: The Tides of Time $0.74
Shining Force $0.74
Streets of Rage $0.74
Streets of Rage 2 $0.74
Sword of Vermilion $0.74
ESWAT: City Under Siege $0.74
Golden Axe II $0.74
Virtua Fighter 2 $0.74
Bio-Hazard Battle $0.74
Columns III $0.74
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair $0.74
Alien Soldier $0.74
Flicky $0.74
Decap Attack $0.74
Alien Storm $0.74
Alpha Protocol for £1.50 is a HUGE bargain.

Its a massive glitchfest but still a hugely underrated game.
I just snagged the Genesis and Dreamcast packs for a total of $15. I'd probably pay that much just for Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe, the Sonic games, and Streets of Rage alone.
I bought Company of Heroes and both it's add-ons for about 5 quid. It's on sale til late Monday. I recommend it if you're only slightly into RTS games.
I've played company of heroes and really enjoyed it.

Just giving CIV5 a chance a the moment. I want to play it properly this time around. Last time I played one of the CIV games years ago I got lurred into cheating which obviously fecks everything up for you.

Delayed gratification is always best with these games
I've played company of heroes and really enjoyed it.

Just giving CIV5 a chance a the moment. I want to play it properly this time around. Last time I played one of the CIV games years ago I got lurred into cheating which obviously fecks everything up for you.

Delayed gratification is always best with these games

Were you able to sort out your refund?