Music Do you look at your own sh*t afterwards?


Full Member
Jan 24, 2014
Just close your eyes, forget your name
For example, do you get the urge now to look at the stuff you made years ago even if no-one gave a damn bitd/gives a damn now? Is the feeling to do so weird, do you think?

From time to time, I find myself doing exactly that: Using YouTube to relisten to stuff I did 20+ years ago when I was 'Young and Free TM' and even though it was pretty terrible, I miss those times and the memories evoked... Sometimes it's nice to go back I think.
Yeah, you need to check if you haven't shat blood or anything like that and if you've left skidmarks on the bowl.

People often forget to check the toilet after flushing so you one finds a nice surprise when they go next
Yeah, you need to check if you haven't shat blood or anything like that and if you've left skidmarks on the bowl.

People often forget to check the toilet after flushing so you one finds a nice surprise when they go next

In the early days of the Internet, there was a site called (or .whatever) which would float your bloater.
My pipes are a bit narrow so I check to see if it's a big one or not. If it's big, I'll flush it right away before wiping, otherwise the shit and toilet paper I use to wipe with will clog up the toilet.
Definitely going to look at the one I'm currently curling out. It feels like one for the ages.
Yeah. But only in a sexual way. Nothing weird.
Best ones when you do a ghosty. All that effort for no reward.