Do you have Linux on your PS3? You had.

I do, yes, and this is a serious load of shit. There is probably less than 10% of 1% of users that actually take advantage of this facility however, and most of them are either in academia or research use that never need to play games or films, so in a way I can understand why they have done it, it just fecks geeks like me over that use it for both. The blame for the removal of the feature totally lies at the feet of dickheads such as George Hotz that tried to feck about cracking the system through the Other OS with the end goal of enabling piracy. Thus, such clever knobends without anything better to do feck everyone else over. Hopefully, they will reinstate the facility at a later date, because my only option now is to stop messing with Cell code, or buy a slim for general entertainment use whilst leaving my big fat buddy in its current firmware state.
That's not gonna be popular.

Interesting comment below the article.

Disabling the OtherOS feature completely is nothing but a panicked knee-jerk reaction. Especially after: l – through an engineer, SCE managment has EXPLICITLY said:

>> Please be assured that SCE is committed to continue
>> the support for previously sold models that have the
>> “Install Other OS” feature and that this feature will
>> not be disabled in future firmware releases.

Attempting this is bad enough, backflipping on an official statement is worse.

That was before George Hotz and friends started fecking about with it though. If they have identified a hole here that could bring down the security of the system, I don't see what choice they have.
The US Government actually bought a whole bunch of PS3s to use for decryption and other purposes because the PS3s are so powerful and could replace a lot of the computer clusters they were using. They'll have to make sure they don't make the firmware upgrade.
If they don't play games or Blu-ray films on them, they don't need to do so. It was a cheap way to build a Cell cluster, rather than paying through the nose for IBM Cell blades. Linux probably will still run on Devkits.
So what exactly can you do with a PS3 that you can't with a custom built computer?
That kid's got to watch out that the giant, rich, above-the-law multi-billion dollar corporation doesn't just bump him off, like the oil companies have been doing to people that design hydrogen cars for years.
the response from GeoHot was very quck:

On the PlayStation 3: Don't Update

The bloke is a cock! The ability to run Linux was custom firmware for the most part, you could write and run whatever software you wanted. Apart from not having low level access to RSX, you could basically do what you wanted, you had almost total control over the Cell processor.

He professes that he's hacked the PS3, he hasn't, the furthest he has got is to modify some non-signed theme.
Anyone with a fatty PS3, know your rights. :lol:

"Amazon has given a European PS3 owner a 20% refund for removal of the PS3's OtherOS feature. (We recently discussed hacker Geohot's efforts to restore this feature.) The owner cited European law Directive 1999/44/EC — which states that goods must (1) comply with the description given by the seller and possess the same qualities and characteristics as other similar goods, and (2) be fit for the purpose which the consumer requires them and which was made known to the seller at the time of purchase. How many other European PS3 owners will follow suit? If Amazon forwards the bill to Sony, how will Sony respond?"

Slashdot Games Story | PS3 Owner Refunded For Missing "Other OS"

Money, money, money!