DLC Thoughts?

Lance Uppercut

With Bulletstorm DLC being announced before the actual game has been released, I was curious as to where Caftards see this trend heading.

Do you view it as an inevitable that it will become more and more prevalent? How about the, in no way coincidental, effect it is having on the pre-owned games market?

Or are you just pissed off at having to fork out more money?
I've never bought DLC. I don't even have Xbox live set up but it is annoying when I buy a single player game and then find out if I want everything I have to buy Xbox live and then pay more money just to get it. They can go feck themselves.
The game should be complete when you fork out £40-50 for it, not be 70% complete with the rest available to buy at a later date.
What do you mean? People aren't selling games on any more?

Developers have been losing out on money because of the pre-owned games market. To combat that, they have started including redeemable codes which allow access to DLC. Of course, you can only redeem the code once.
Yeah, though it's not strictly DLC, it pisses me off that SI Games release a half-finished version of Football Manager for the start-ish of every season which only becomes playable after the release of at least one, but usually two patches, with a third to follow in February. Using the customer to test/bug test the product they've paid full whack for is a cnut's move, IMO.

As for DLC, I got chatting to a guy who works for Apple who told me that the future of apps is in the in-app purchases, much like DLC on Live or PSN. It will become inescapable very soon.
I see no problem with DLC as long as the game you buy doesn't leave you feeling ripped off.

For example Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption. DLC was announced beforehand with all these games but the game you bought on it's own was well worth the paying price and it didn't matter if you played the DLC or not.

Things like Assassin's Creed 2 on the other hand are just taking the piss, you skip a part of the game and are chucked ahead in time with no real explanation as to what's gone on and if you want to find out you have to pay for it. Then you realise it's not really worth the extra money and the only thing you find out is when he grew a beard!
I see no problem with DLC as long as the game you buy doesn't leave you feeling ripped off.

For example Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption. DLC was announced beforehand with all these games but the game you bought on it's own was well worth the paying price and it didn't matter if you played the DLC or not.

Things like Assassin's Creed 2 on the other hand are just taking the piss, you skip a part of the game and are chucked ahead in time with no real explanation as to what's gone on and if you want to find out you have to pay for it. Then you realise it's not really worth the extra money and the only thing you find out is when he grew a beard!

That was ridiculous. What is it again, you go from Chapter 12 to 14, or some shit? They just pulled a fecking level out of the game to release at a later date. :lol:
That's just about the most fecked up gaming related con I think I've ever heard of.
The worst 2 levels, and they released them seperately for added kick in the ballness. They added a new trick though, which you only used once and was shit.

It's the future of gaming, i can see it now. Soon we'll have games where you get right to the final boss, the culmination of all your hours of emotional investment...

and then the PSstore will open and ask you for £8 if you want to play on.

You jest, but you're probably not that far off the mark.

I want to hear Weaste's thoughts on this topic. He usually sees things from both points of view.
I think it's essential for some games but depends on the type of game, it's not about the game being 'unfinished' so to speak, more about them having no replay value. If I finish a game 10 times I never want to play it again, if a year down the line of owning it there is new shit coming out that I can continue to enjoy, I'm all for that.

In MMOs continuous cash is essential whether it be monthly subs or DLC, a game cannot continue to grow without dev work, devs don't work for free. If you pay box price and only box price, you can only get what you've paid for, if you want extra, it costs extra.

What I don't like, is the shit games using it as an excuse to not finish a game however.
Con doesn't even begin to describe Mafia 2. That game takes the cake. The amount of shit cut out or left on the disk only to be released as DLC is incredible. Good reason it struggled to break 1 million sales on 3 platforms.

I finished that game quite recently. I didn't really notice any gaps in the storyline. How much DLC is there?
Its the price point that annoys me most tbh Especially for add-ons

take SSFIV which, being only an update itself, was £25 brand new on release but if you want some nice costumes for your characters they're a quid each - you can spend more money on add-on costumes for every character than for the actual game itself! thats a f*kin rip off - just how much work goes into ripping Ryu's shirt off (:drool::nervous:) when you consider most apple apps are 59p it puts it into perspective
Its genius, split a game into 10 parts, charge 40 quid for one part, and 40 quid for the remaining 9. Resulting in you ending up with the usual uninspiring game for 80 pounds instead of the usual 40.
Stuff like Bad Company 2 Vietnam I don't mind at all - basically stuff that's more or less what used to be in the good old days called an expansion pack. GTA4s expanions (Lost and Damned, Ballad of Gay Tony), Saints Row 2s expansions (the names of which escape me now... Corporate Warfare and Ultor Unleashed or something),

At the other end of the scale is what was done in the Force Unleashed 2. The game was criminally short, and soon after release it was revealed that there was going to be a DLC level released (Endor moon). People subsequently went through the game files and found that the level and additional content (new costumes/lightsabres and stuff) was already in the game - it hadn't even been taken out, just disabled. What you were paying for was to activate something that was already in the game you payed for. Just Cause 2, while being a bloody awesome game, was also really annoying for this. The same thing goes for map packs. You should never have to pay for a map pack (looking at you Activision). Fortunately EADice seem to have this figured out.

Day 1 DLC is bollocks too. As is preorder exclusive DLC. Does anyone else remember a time when preordering a game used to mean like getting a T Shirt with the game logo on it, or a mini figure or cloth map or something in the box? Now we're in a scenario where people that preorder BF3 will get access to four (!!) maps and a few weapons that other people don't. Bollocks.

See this is what shits me about the state of the games industry. New release prices are more or less uniform (I don't know about England or America but here a new release is $90AUD - $100AUD), yet when you compare something like Grand Theft Auto 4 or Saints Row 2 (both cost me $80AUD on release day and had really long playtime and great depth, and both had two DLC packs released that complemented and added to the previous story) and something like Force Unleashed 2, which cost me $110AUD, took 3 and a half hours to complete, and the DLC was something that was already in the game and was subsequently taken out...

As Fergie says, where is the value?
That's a pretty good summary, Sharky.

I never got round to getting the GTA4 expansions, are they worth playing?
Me and my mate were talking about sharing the cost, seeing as only one of us actually needs to download it, so might get it next week. I'm in too much of a GT5 vibe at the moment so there's no point getting it right now.
And the characters you play in each cross paths at various points. It's a nice touch.
illegally download the game and pay for dlc. just like the music industry, the games industry is over charging and can't see past its short sightedness.
Can you actually get the DLC if you illegally get the game? I thought if you were caught doing that your account got frozen and you couldn't go online?
Can you actually get the DLC if you illegally get the game? I thought if you were caught doing that your account got frozen and you couldn't go online?

When you have 18 consoles it doesn't matter.
Can you actually get the DLC if you illegally get the game? I thought if you were caught doing that your account got frozen and you couldn't go online?

Yeah. As long as you don't get caught. In fact with a Jtag you can get all DLC for free.