Stuff like Bad Company 2 Vietnam I don't mind at all - basically stuff that's more or less what used to be in the good old days called an expansion pack. GTA4s expanions (Lost and Damned, Ballad of Gay Tony), Saints Row 2s expansions (the names of which escape me now... Corporate Warfare and Ultor Unleashed or something),
At the other end of the scale is what was done in the Force Unleashed 2. The game was criminally short, and soon after release it was revealed that there was going to be a DLC level released (Endor moon). People subsequently went through the game files and found that the level and additional content (new costumes/lightsabres and stuff) was already in the game - it hadn't even been taken out, just disabled. What you were paying for was to activate something that was already in the game you payed for. Just Cause 2, while being a bloody awesome game, was also really annoying for this. The same thing goes for map packs. You should never have to pay for a map pack (looking at you Activision). Fortunately EADice seem to have this figured out.
Day 1 DLC is bollocks too. As is preorder exclusive DLC. Does anyone else remember a time when preordering a game used to mean like getting a T Shirt with the game logo on it, or a mini figure or cloth map or something in the box? Now we're in a scenario where people that preorder BF3 will get access to four (!!) maps and a few weapons that other people don't. Bollocks.
See this is what shits me about the state of the games industry. New release prices are more or less uniform (I don't know about England or America but here a new release is $90AUD - $100AUD), yet when you compare something like Grand Theft Auto 4 or Saints Row 2 (both cost me $80AUD on release day and had really long playtime and great depth, and both had two DLC packs released that complemented and added to the previous story) and something like Force Unleashed 2, which cost me $110AUD, took 3 and a half hours to complete, and the DLC was something that was already in the game and was subsequently taken out...
As Fergie says, where is the value?