Derren Brown: The Experiments

Great series so far. If these guys aren't actors, and if none of his work is staged, then Derren Brown is pretty fecking amazing, to be fair. An absolute genius.

Did think he lied about not telling that audience in the first episode what was going to happen, though. Think he must've given an indication of some sort. I find it difficult to believe that there wouldn't have been at least one person that would've completely shat it had there been a murderer amongst the crowd that had just shot and killed Stephen Fry. They all, barring a few that did gasp to be fair to them, just sort of sat there...
Have been watching these, think derren brown is incredible. The guilt trip was amazing, great way to show how a young mind can be manipulated
Great series so far. If these guys aren't actors, and if none of his work is staged, then Derren Brown is pretty fecking amazing, to be fair. An absolute genius.

Did think he lied about not telling that audience in the first episode what was going to happen, though. Think he must've given an indication of some sort. I find it difficult to believe that there wouldn't have been at least one person that would've completely shat it had there been a murderer amongst the crowd that had just shot and killed Stephen Fry. They all, barring a few that did gasp to be fair to them, just sort of sat there...

Yeah, tbh I thought that too.
I love Derren and the points he makes, but his shows are quite obviously staged to certain degrees.

Just take Guilt Trip for example, there are some scenes that are quite obviously staged - the switching of the plates was obvious, someone by his seat goes to have a word with him and he swivels completely so he can't see that the plates on the table are all being switched around. Twice. You'd be aware of it anyway by sound/movement. Then the croquet game it happens again - the bloke goes "oh hey look at that" and he stares at it long enough for him to be cheated. About 5 times.

There's also no way that simply by saying "stay asleep" through a tv that he sleeps through a dozen people coming into his room, carrying out into the grounds and dumping him there. The police station thing was dodge as well, they were all like "where's he gone, omg", when in fact they'd fitted the police station out with cameras. But oh no wait, "this isn't even a real police station", despite the fact that it would have been obvious to the bloke if it was real or not, considering it was a village police station which he walked in off the street to.

As others have mentioned, in 'The Assassin', the audience would have reacted to the death of Stephen Fry. The bloke would also have copped about that ringtone going off all the time.

The Gameshow was the least suspect, but there was definitely audience plants, "smash his telly in", oh how helpful, because he's got a baseball bat and mask. The laptop thing was also obviously set up, there's no way you can do that on telly.

I don't mind really as I love the points he makes by staging the shows, and he's brilliant entertainment, but they definitely are staged, at least to a degree. Just as he staged the Russian Roulette, the casino, the lotto predictions, etc.
Great series so far. If these guys aren't actors, and if none of his work is staged, then Derren Brown is pretty fecking amazing, to be fair. An absolute genius.

Did think he lied about not telling that audience in the first episode what was going to happen, though. Think he must've given an indication of some sort. I find it difficult to believe that there wouldn't have been at least one person that would've completely shat it had there been a murderer amongst the crowd that had just shot and killed Stephen Fry. They all, barring a few that did gasp to be fair to them, just sort of sat there...

I dunno, I think shock and disbelief could easily take over in a situation like that. Either way that Assassin episode was amazing and really makes you think.
The guilt trip one, the guy is in tears in what he believes to be a police cell after just admitting to a murder, then Derren Brown comes in grinning saying it was all a joke.

I'm not sure how he forgave him so quickly, I would have wanted to smack the smug look off his face.

Been very good so far, the gameshow one where they were yelling for his room to be smashed up was really interesting to watch.
God damnit he's good. He could probably impregnate me. Impregnate my brain.
The guilt trip one, the guy is in tears in what he believes to be a police cell after just admitting to a murder, then Derren Brown comes in grinning saying it was all a joke.

I'm not sure how he forgave him so quickly, I would have wanted to smack the smug look off his face.

Been very good so far, the gameshow one where they were yelling for his room to be smashed up was really interesting to watch.

Probably relief combined with the fact that derren said he was the nicest guy ever and thats why they wanted him to do it

Can't wait to see what mindfeck he pulls in the last show this Friday
I love Derren and the points he makes, but his shows are quite obviously staged to certain degrees.

Just take Guilt Trip for example, there are some scenes that are quite obviously staged - the switching of the plates was obvious, someone by his seat goes to have a word with him and he swivels completely so he can't see that the plates on the table are all being switched around. Twice. You'd be aware of it anyway by sound/movement. Then the croquet game it happens again - the bloke goes "oh hey look at that" and he stares at it long enough for him to be cheated. About 5 times.

There's also no way that simply by saying "stay asleep" through a tv that he sleeps through a dozen people coming into his room, carrying out into the grounds and dumping him there. The police station thing was dodge as well, they were all like "where's he gone, omg", when in fact they'd fitted the police station out with cameras. But oh no wait, "this isn't even a real police station", despite the fact that it would have been obvious to the bloke if it was real or not, considering it was a village police station which he walked in off the street to.

As others have mentioned, in 'The Assassin', the audience would have reacted to the death of Stephen Fry. The bloke would also have copped about that ringtone going off all the time.

The Gameshow was the least suspect, but there was definitely audience plants, "smash his telly in", oh how helpful, because he's got a baseball bat and mask. The laptop thing was also obviously set up, there's no way you can do that on telly.

I don't mind really as I love the points he makes by staging the shows, and he's brilliant entertainment, but they definitely are staged, at least to a degree. Just as he staged the Russian Roulette, the casino, the lotto predictions, etc.

That's not really suggesting something was "staged to a degree" though, is it? That's sugessting the mark was completely in on it and the whole thing was a lie.

There's a reason why he picks certain people. He can say "pliable" all he likes but he means "thick".
The guilt trip one, the guy is in tears in what he believes to be a police cell after just admitting to a murder, then Derren Brown comes in grinning saying it was all a joke.

I'm not sure how he forgave him so quickly, I would have wanted to smack the smug look off his face.

Been very good so far, the gameshow one where they were yelling for his room to be smashed up was really interesting to watch.

Me too! Except I know, having gone to one of his shows, that he could never "use" me for one of his shows :(
His live shows are awesome too, enigma has to be my favourite one
I went to one of his live shows and he just knows how the mind works/reacts to suggestions. The finale/reveal at the end was gobsmacking and he couldn't have rigged it because people were tossing a stuffed toy backwards over their shoulders to pick participants. Unless he had the worlds most accurate throwers in the audience, the participants couldn't have been plants.

The man could do scary things if he was evil, the way he could manipulate people is quite unnerving.
I went to one of his live shows and he just knows how the mind works/reacts to suggestions. The finale/reveal at the end was gobsmacking and he couldn't have rigged it because people were tossing a stuffed toy backwards over their shoulders to pick participants. Unless he had the worlds most accurate throwers in the audience, the participants couldn't have been plants.

The man could do scary things if he was evil, the way he could manipulate people is quite unnerving.

yeah i have noticed him do this for all of his shows, he either flings a frisbee into the crowd to select someone or he gets people to throw a stuffed toy around, great way of ensuring its totally random
yeah i have noticed him do this for all of his shows, he either flings a frisbee into the crowd to select someone or he gets people to throw a stuffed toy around, great way of ensuring its totally random

He totally mindfecks you into becoming good at throwing toys behind you and that's how he makes you subconsciously pick the best candidate.

Or it's random. At this point the other explanation is believable as well.
His live shows are awesome too, enigma has to be my favourite one

Enigma is amazing.

Sometimes I think he's just flat out lying when he says he's just an illusionist and not a psychic.
some of my favourite clips, just shows his supreme confidence to pull off things like this

I watched the gameshow one last night. The ending was brilliant! Clever fecker! Loved the way the audience was gobsmacked :lol:

this was indeed fookin epic

epic mindfeck, when they saw it they shat bricks
His live shows are a must-see. I'm a bit underwhelmed by this series, for many of the reasons Feeky mentioned, but I'll still watch anything he does. Better than most of the shit on tv anyway.
I used to really enjoy his shows, but ever since that lottery thing, and the one where the guy supposedly was convinced to fly a plane, I think it's been 95% bullshit. I might catch up with this latest series if the reviews are good.
so tonights one is "The Secret of Luck" where apparently he manages to mindfeck a whole town into convincing a whole town that a statue is lucky and then gets one of them to bet their entire life savings on the roll of a dice

on at 9, im ready to see derren mindfeck the shit out of people yet again :drool:
The fact that he is doing this to a whole town is impressive in itself
Derren Brown is incredible. Just goes to show what humans can achieve if they put their minds to something and focus.
I really want Wayne to win this, epic show so far