Deal or no Deal


Executive Manager being kept sane only by her madn
Jun 5, 2000
Did anyone see the obnoxious woman on there today? She was annoying and greedy.

Gets offered £10k and says "Ten grand isn't enough". Ended up with £100 I think. Served her right.

Turns down every offer, dead cocky like, and then whinges when she lost the lot.
Did anyone see the obnoxious woman on there today? She was annoying and greedy.

Gets offered £10k and says "Ten grand isn't enough". Ended up with £100 I think. Served her right.

Turns down every offer, dead cocky like, and then whinges when she lost the lot.

Found it funny she was reduced to tears from her cocky approach earlier on in the game.
It's one of the worst shows on tv. I can't understand why anyone watches it.

To be fair they do still broadcast Antiques Road Show.

But it is a shockingly poor show. I like the way everyone pretends there is some sort of skill to it. They may as-well just pick a random fecking box, and then just open it. Save me having to watch Barbera break down after picking the £250,000 box follwed by the £100,000 box. Its pathetic.
So which gameshows are better?

It is what it is, a gameshow. At least they personalise it and make everyone there actually care about it, whether you do or not.
So which gameshows are better?

It is what it is, a gameshow. At least they personalise it and make everyone there actually care about it, whether you do or not.

Pretty much any of them. There is no skill whatsoever, just picking random boxes. All this shite about having a "system" is pathetic and the way all the other contestants and Noel Edmonds pretend to care is really annoying and patronising. And don't get me started on the banker.
The other day they had some man, who couldn't walk, how blatantly emotive was that supposed to be. It made me turn off, cringe worthy.
Pretty much any of them. There is no skill whatsoever, just picking random boxes. All this shite about having a "system" is pathetic and the way all the other contestants and Noel Edmonds pretend to care is really annoying and patronising. And don't get me started on the banker.

Who says its about skill? Why does it have to be about skill? You pick a random box and either its good or bad. You make a deal when you think your luck has run out. Thats it.

The people likely do care as they have to spend so long together.

And its a bit like picking lottery numbers. Some people say they have a system, some of them have won money, but ultimately its pot luck
And its a bit like picking lottery numbers. Some people say they have a system, some of them have won money, but ultimately its pot luck

Every moron has a 'system' or 'lucky numbers'.

I always wait for the moment when it always backfires in the most spectacular way possible
Every moron has a 'system' or 'lucky numbers'.

I always wait for the moment when it always backfires in the most spectacular way possible

If you spend 26 weeks being someone opening a box for someone else, would you not plan some sort of system for your own game, even if your system is just to pick the boxes you feel will be luckiest for you on the day?
It's utter bollocks. I wouldn't mind so much but it lasts 45 minutes, for fecks sake. All you've got to do is pick 20 numbers. The superstitious nonsense that goes on in this show is setting the human race back at least 2000 years. And Edmonds can feck off with his cosmic-ordering bullshit. The flowery-shirted midget tosspot.
If you spend 26 weeks being someone opening a box for someone else, would you not plan some sort of system for your own game, even if your system is just to pick the boxes you feel will be luckiest for you on the day?

Nope, because I know any 'system' is as good as flipping a coin.

It's always the number intellectuals like accountants that will make a bold claim about a system, only to have egg on their faces at the end.
Nope, because I know any 'system' is as good as flipping a coin.

It's always the number intellectuals like accountants that will make a bold claim about a system, only to have egg on their faces at the end.

So... You aren't going to pick the boxes that you feel are going to be the best for you?

Even thats a system...

I know what you mean though, some people are just bat shit crazy with it, but everyone has some sort of system even if they don't chatter on about it.
I hate Noels impression of the banker

Bring back Mr. Blobby
They may as well just pick the boxes in order... 1...2...3... It makes no difference. Fair play to Noel though, if I spent my days surrounded by a studio full of total cnuts I'd probably top myself. Yet he manages to stay smiling and spouting bullshit to keep them coming back for more.
I think I've said this before...fundamentally I think it's a good idea for a show. It's the contestants that make it unwatchable. All that cheering and whooping and chanting and acting like they've actually achieved something heroic by having an "all blue" round :rolleyes:

"Give us a blue, Bob!"
"I'll try!"

I think I've said this before...fundamentally I think it's a good idea for a show. It's the contestants that make it unwatchable. All that cheering and whooping and chanting and acting like they've actually achieved something heroic by having an "all blue" round :rolleyes:

"Give us a blue, Bob!"
"I'll try!"


I agree - there's nothing wrong with the idea, but all this crap about believing what's in the box is really irritating. There's nothing skilful about any of it but the contestants behave like there's something magical and mystical about it. It's so irritating when they chant "blue" or when they ask everyone to the colours will somehow miraculously change

Anyway, all that aside, yesterday's prat was from Manchester - so if you're reading this, flower - you blew it and showed yourself up as a right cocky cow in the process.
Deal or No deal is great for an old laugh.

Pretty little number on at present getting rightly screwed. All the big numbers gone and just been offered £300.
I don't understand the appeal. There's nothing to it. Its terrible.
She has lovely breasts in fairness.

Sadly her face will age over time - I'm out

How could anyone be so gutted about winning £21k? Look at the state of her, when she walked out of there and looked in her bank balance she'd be looking at five figures yet she's absolutely inconsolable. And who's to say she'd have picked those numbers? I used to watch it a bit despite its absolute lack of intelligence and it didn't annoy me until Edmonds started changing the name of the programme every day. "Welcome back to Steve's game where he's playing brilliantly." Is he though.
Worst show on TV. No talent, intellect or skill involved yet they pretend as if it is the most challenging and exciting thing on TV.

How could anyone be so gutted about winning £21k? Look at the state of her, when she walked out of there and looked in her bank balance she'd be looking at five figures yet she's absolutely inconsolable. And who's to say she'd have picked those numbers? I used to watch it a bit despite its absolute lack of intelligence and it didn't annoy me until Edmonds started changing the name of the programme every day. "Welcome back to Steve's game where he's playing brilliantly." Is he though.

:lol: :lol::lol: With 99% certainty she wouldnt even have chosen the same boxes if she had gone on. And she would have definitely taken the deal the next round if she got the 1£ out of the ballot. What a spas.
Did anyone see the obnoxious woman on there today? She was annoying and greedy.

Gets offered £10k and says "Ten grand isn't enough". Ended up with £100 I think. Served her right.

Turns down every offer, dead cocky like, and then whinges when she lost the lot.

Another Dutch show presented by the sister of 'The Voice' creator

Only the one here is for 5 million euro so usually 100,000 isn't enough
Worst fecking show ever. Fuelled by pure greed, presented by an egotistical Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime with offensive shirts, watched by a crowd of clapping seals and dullards who think chanting blue will make the box blue. I hate hate hate this show.
Not forgetting Noels dyed beard and feeble attempts to add themes to a show which is basically about choosing a box.And why does he talk to himself on the phone.Tired format that should have been put to bed.
It's an annoying show but there's some interesting aspects to it in terms of peoples decision making. Things like loss aversion mean after a big loss people will tend to be risk seeking to make back the potential money they lost.

Lots of interesting gambling/decision making to be analysed as they're never rational, unfortunately the show's littered with the type of people I'd want to punch in the face.

"It's a blue I know it", no you don't you cnut just open the damn box.
It's utter shite, can be funny though when some greedy twat turns down a large amount of money and ends up with nothing

I'm sick of everyone having a sob story so they deserve loads of money
My old man hated Edmonds with a passion. Didn't stop him watching it every day just to shout at the telly. He loved it when some greedy twat walked away with hardly anything.

Anyway, I prefer Countdown, don't like the new geezer on it. He's very smarmy.

Rachel Riley though :drool: