Is anyone else playing this?
It's a mod for Arma 2 that's taken off massively in the last few days.
Basically you're dropped into the 15x15km world from Arma 2 with a pistol, some flares, some some basic supplies. There are zombies around the place, usually concentrated around settlements which is unfortunate because that's where you've got to go to find supplies and ammunition (better guns, maps, compasses, more lights etc).
The interesting aspect is that there are no rules - if you want to be a prick and sacrifice people to zombies to escape, if you happen across a band of survivors and want to kill them all and take their stuff, you can do so.
The effect is that you end up with a world much like STALKER - desolate towns and landscapes, zombies, groups of bandits - except the bandits aren't AI, they're actual people.
The mod has become such a success that Arma 2 - which is a very buggy niche title that is two years old - is now top of the Steam sales charts (sales have multiplied five times since it took off a few days ago). The makers of Arma 2 are including incorporating it into an official patch for the game in the near future.
Check it out if you've got Arma 2 laying around (I think you need to expansion Arrowhead as well). Otherwise get it on Steam at some point - $30 is a bit dear for Arma 2 CO but I'd imagine some kind of sale is in the works due to the popularity of this thing.
It's a mod for Arma 2 that's taken off massively in the last few days.
Basically you're dropped into the 15x15km world from Arma 2 with a pistol, some flares, some some basic supplies. There are zombies around the place, usually concentrated around settlements which is unfortunate because that's where you've got to go to find supplies and ammunition (better guns, maps, compasses, more lights etc).
The interesting aspect is that there are no rules - if you want to be a prick and sacrifice people to zombies to escape, if you happen across a band of survivors and want to kill them all and take their stuff, you can do so.
The effect is that you end up with a world much like STALKER - desolate towns and landscapes, zombies, groups of bandits - except the bandits aren't AI, they're actual people.
The mod has become such a success that Arma 2 - which is a very buggy niche title that is two years old - is now top of the Steam sales charts (sales have multiplied five times since it took off a few days ago). The makers of Arma 2 are including incorporating it into an official patch for the game in the near future.
Check it out if you've got Arma 2 laying around (I think you need to expansion Arrowhead as well). Otherwise get it on Steam at some point - $30 is a bit dear for Arma 2 CO but I'd imagine some kind of sale is in the works due to the popularity of this thing.