Dance with Dragons - Who has got a pre-order?


New Member
Sep 27, 2009
I popped down to Waterstones as I didn't want to wait for Amazon to ship out the book and they are doing half price pre-order £12.50 which is pretty good all you do is put down a £3 deposit and pay the remainder on collection.

Anyone else eagerly awaiting the book?
I popped down to Waterstones as I didn't want to wait for Amazon to ship out the book and they are doing half price pre-order £12.50 which is pretty good all you do is put down a £3 deposit and pay the remainder on collection.

Anyone else eagerly awaiting the book?

I would be if I didn't still have to read AFOC despite having it 5 years. I'll get the small copy of that first rather than going and buying that ridiculously large hardback of ADOD.
This is discussed in the A Dance with Dragons Thread.

Anyway I've pre ordered my copy and it's pretty dam expensive :mad:
Was gonna wait for the PDF too as i prefer to read from a device now, it's so much easier than carrying a book around.

That does sound like a good deal though, and not sure I want to wait months for the download
Mine has been posted today. I still have to read Blood and Gold and Feast For Crows!
I still need to finish Feast(2nd read) before Tuesday. I'm like 500 pages in. :nervous:
Gonna buy online for my reader the minute it is available, which from what I read is the same day as the hard copy release! Now please don't burst my bubble by telling me it is not going to be released at the same time :(
Thinks its something like 10 am

This fecking book is disturbing my sleep, I was up at 6 this morning, two hours earlier then I needed to be
Mine hadn't arrived before I left for work this morning. Hopefully it will be waiting for me when I get home.
I'll see you bastards in a week or two once I finish. I won't be in the entertainment forum during that time. :D
I'm getting mine in half an hour. I'm staying out of all these threads to make sure I don't get spoil-ered. Happy reading fellas !
i am shocked and appalled to report working torrents are already abound amongst the more unscrupulous internet users.

may the father judge them justly