Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
Going to see them in Manchester Academy tomorrow night. Anyone else a fan?
I thought their first album was alright. The second had some decent songs but they tried way too hard and it showed.

If I'm honest I don't like the way Scroobius Pip talks about his fans in interviews. He doesn't mean to be offensive but he's quite patronising/belittling towards them.

"Letter from God" is my favourite song by them, class.

The Beatles... Were just a band.
Led Zepplin... Just a band.
The Beach Boys... Just a band.
The Sex Pistols... Just a band.
The Clash... Just a band.
Crass... Just a band.
Minor Threat... Just a band.
The Cure... Just a band.
The Smiths... Just a band.
Nirvana... Just a band.
The Pixies... Just a band.
Oasis... Just a band.
Radiohead... Just a band.
Bloc Party... Just a band.
The Arctic Monkeys... Just a band.
The Next Big Thing.. JUST A BAND.
Some good lyrics, they have a few good catchy tunes.

Should be a really fun gig.
First album is definately better than the second but the second is still good.

Misty's Big Adventure are supporting so that should be a laugh.
If I'm honest I don't like the way Scroobius Pip talks about his fans in interviews. He doesn't mean to be offensive but he's quite patronising/belittling towards them.

What does he say?
I've seen them live three times, always a thoroughly enjoyable night out. I really liked the first album, but it's not exactly a classic. The second one has its highlights too. (I got the feeling that Angles was all about Pip's lyrics, while Dan got to have a bit more fun on Logic of Choice, it's more dance-y, I suppose.) Their material is great for gigs though, have a few pints, shout "just a band" and smile. Pip's a bit preachy, but I don't mind because it's fun.
What does he say?

In "Thou Shalt Always Kill", there's a bit where he says something like "When I say Hay, thou shalt not say Hop". I can't remember it properly. Anyway, in a fair few interviews, Scroobius has made reference to this as being the bit where their fans get most active in the song, screaming "Hop".

He means it as a joke I think, but the way he's said it (multiple times, in different interviews now) makes it seem like he thinks his fans are idiots. I don't know how to explain it properly, you'll have to see him do it but it's almost like he belittles his fans to show how funny he is. I'll stress that it doesn't come across like he means it to be negative but he should think a bit more.

He's also sounded a bit off when talking about another bit in the same song. There's a line where he says "Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music" (or something similar) and repeats it over a generic beat for effect. Scroobius said that it's probably the fan's favourite bit of the song.

That's just two examples. He never means it in a diva-ish sort of way (ie. My fans visit just to give me their money, suckers) and he does love his fans but he talks down about them, it's not pleasant.
In "Thou Shalt Always Kill", there's a bit where he says something like "When I say Hay, thou shalt not say Hop". I can't remember it properly. Anyway, in a fair few interviews, Scroobius has made reference to this as being the bit where their fans get most active in the song, screaming "Hop".

He means it as a joke I think, but the way he's said it (multiple times, in different interviews now) makes it seem like he thinks his fans are idiots. I don't know how to explain it properly, you'll have to see him do it but it's almost like he belittles his fans to show how funny he is. I'll stress that it doesn't come across like he means it to be negative but he should think a bit more.

He's also sounded a bit off when talking about another bit in the same song. There's a line where he says "Thou shalt not make repetitive generic music" (or something similar) and repeats it over a generic beat for effect. Scroobius said that it's probably the fan's favourite bit of the song.

That's just two examples. He never means it in a diva-ish sort of way (ie. My fans visit just to give me their money, suckers) and he does love his fans but he talks down about them, it's not pleasant.

That's just self-deprecating humour.

He's implying his music isn't good enough to get fans excited unless he does the whole call and response thing.
My mates going tonight aswell, he is a destroyer of worlds and dreams. He is a wizard of fail and sells win. He has long hair but wears a hat, you'll probably meet him and rue the day.
My mates going tonight aswell, he is a destroyer of worlds and dreams. He is a wizard of fail and sells win. He has long hair but wears a hat, you'll probably meet him and rue the day.

This him?

This him?



You won't miss him. He'll be the guy whose awkwardness endears him to everyone else in the room by instantly making them feel that little bit normal.

And in the context of Academy 1, that's some achievement.

Have fun tonight though, even though you're going to miss the match, you silly sod.
Me and my mate were the first two in the venue so we didn't really see anyone but the people around us.

Dan & Pip absolutley smashed it. Took Pip's foot to the face when he stagedived. Overall, mental. Pip even stopped at one point because a pit turned into a fistfight.

Also, my mum went to the match instead of me. Which I'm sure was fun for my dad.