CSI/Without A Trace


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Watched my usual CSI LV completely oblivious to the fact that it was part of some crossover bullshit with this Without a Trace. My DVR only recorded CSI so I only got half the fecking story.


Where do I get the second half from then, TV spazzers?
It's on OnDemand, but I dont think that exists over the pond, doubt our networks are over there at least.
It's on OnDemand, but I dont think that exists over the pond, doubt our networks are over there at least.

If I've got DishNetwork does this mean anything?

CBS are a bunch of cnuts! Isn't there some sort of online option for telly.
If I've got DishNetwork does this mean anything?

CBS are a bunch of cnuts! Isn't there some sort of online option for telly.

I hate the DishNetwork tbh, used it in like 1996, then we switched to DirectTV which is much better, but Im on Comcast Digital Cable atm, so I dont know what the options are on DishNetwork