I too love women...for their shoes.

In Crysis 3, New York City has been transformed into an urban rainforest. Players will find the city sprawled with trees, swamps, and rivers. The city has been divided into seven distinct sections, called the Seven Wonders. Each section will explore a different environment and theme, with CEO of Crytek, Cevat Yerli, saying the CryENGINE gives them that creative flexibility.
Crysis 3 is a thrilling mix of sandbox gameplay, advanced combat and hi-tech human and alien weaponry that shooter fans will love. Leveraging the latest CryENGINE technology, we’re able to deliver seven unique themes that offer stunning and visually loaded gameplay experiences. We cannot wait until people get their hands on the game.
The game is set in 2047, and sees Prophet trying to bring down the Cell Corporation as well as discovering the truth behind the Nanodome. While the company says that the domes are for citizens protection, their real motives include controlling as much land and technology as possible. Prophet will will be equipped with a composite bow, a new Nanosuit, as well as alien technology and weapons to help him in his quest.
Crysis 3 will be available in a Hunter Edition, which will give players early access to the bow as well as enhancement. Players will also get a Hunter Nanosuit module, which will add additional powers and features to the suit. Three additional packs will also be available: a Stalker Pack, Overkill Pack, and Predator Pack, all of which add additional weapons and features for multiplayer.
Crysis 3 will be available for $59.99 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. It’s up for pre-order now, but the game won’t start shipping until Spring 2013.