Critics or friends' opinions?


Emmy Moses
Feb 5, 2006
4000+ miles west of old trafford
Which do you listen to more when deciding what to listen to, play or watch? Are you more inclined to see a movie if a critic thinks it's good, or if a friend thinks it's good? Are you less inclined if either say it's bad?

If you listen to critics, are there any particular ones you usually follow their critiques?

Or do you not care about anybody's opinions and do what you want?
My friends dont share my taste in music or movies. For movies I guess Roger Ebert is an obvious choice. I read his blog.
Critics for a general idea if a movie is even legit. Friends otherwise for the rest, though it's worth noting that I will specifically skip a movie if certain friends like it. You know what I mean. Taste and friendship don't have to coincide.
Music is something friends with the same taste generally recommend the best stuff, movies however I always find forums give the best opinions because frankly sometimes I could give a shit about the critics opinion of the camera work.
I never listen to critics. Their job is to tell people what their opinion. While its the easiest job in the world and fair dues for making a living out of them I find my opinion always differs from them and their highly regarded films always end up being terrible

In my opinon of course..... :smirk:
Movies - certainly not critics. I will listen to friends, and check out user reviews on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.

Music - I try before I "buy."

Games - I ask Xander.