Criteria Draft - 3 spaces left


Everything is fair game in capitalism!
Jan 8, 2014
Dragon of Dojima
Welcome to the criteria draft, there are 16 criteria which you will be randomly assigned each round and the player you select has to meet it. You will not be allocated the same criteria twice in a row. Criteria has been designed to not be too research heavy and more of a relaxed fun approach. That's all.


1. Snake style drafting
2. 6 hours per pick (8 hours if pick left with another drafter)
3. 12 picks, your 11th or 12th pick has to play in the second round if you get through (you cannot select more than one GK)
4. Player should have 1 full game video available.
5. Draws to be decided using goalkeeper strength according to Redcafe rankings
6. You can only pick one player within the redcafe top 10 from each position/category: Redcafe All-Time Positional Ranking | Results megathread
7. You need to provide evidence for meeting the criteria for each pick, no AI generated images are allowed for those relevant criteria.


Format TBC
  • Quarterfinals (QFs): Each team will get 2 reinforcements.
  • Semifinals (SFs): Each team will get 2 reinforcements.
  • Finals: Each team will get 1 reinforcement.
Criteria List:

Will be published when draft starts.
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Sign up sheet:

1. Sjor
2. Physio
3. Fenomeno
4. Zlatan
5. Mazhar
6. P-Nut
7. Michael
8. EAP
9. Eden
10. Ralaks
11. NM
12. Pythagoras
13. Pat Mustard
14. Enigma
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Feel free to tag anyone else i have missed
In. @Fenômeno clarify about the lists, can I have one player from the ball-playing defenders list, one from the wingers, one forward etc?
I'm in if someone could add me please