Country Music


New Member
May 13, 2008
We watched the Country Music Awards on TV this evening, mainly because my son likes Carrie Underwood. :drool: In fact there seemed to be a large number of hot blonds in the crowd, which made the show bearable.

But my one thought when listening to some of the acts was WHO THE feck WOULD BUY THIS BORING SHIT :confused: I know its easy listening, fine tune into the radio BUT spend hard earned money on that have got to be kidding me.
I would happily feck all the women you mention, might even pay a few bob to do a couple of them but there is no way in hell I am opening my wallet to buy their music.
good country music is up there...hank williams, george jones, charlie rich, johnny cash etc etc...all this modern country shit is ...well....shit.
There's plenty of great country out there. Alison Krauss has made some fantastic stuff although my favourite is Laura Cantrell