Counter Strike

I love Counterstrike. Although I haven't played it in a while

My advice is just buy a P90, see if your team can't thin out the enemy, then charge in spraying whilst everyone's in a tense standoff. Chances are you'll get slaughtered, but in time you'll be racking your fair share of kills
It used to be the best game ever.

When I was about 13 I played it a lot, not played it in ages now though.
I was considering playing this again but figured it must have aged badly.
Nowadays get on Modern Warfare 2 or Battlefield Bad Company 2 if you're looking for a good online shooter. CS doesn't quite cut it anymore, but it's still good for all the custom maps and game types, if that's what you're into (surf maps, I'm looking at you).
I had to check to see if this thread had been bumped from 2003.

Crazy how some games just never die (up until last year I played in a online Sensible Soccer league).
Can you play it on mac and do you have to buy the game?
Yeh you do, its about a fiver now, but worth it.

Add me.

SK l Heaton
feck it, I'm going to give it a go.

1.6 is the version I should be looking for right?
Haven't touched the game in years!

Would love to play this with you guys, but I'm in Singapore, so the lag should be pretty dire.. But please, do add me (pr0newbie) if you want and we'll give it a go altogether soon.
feck it, I'm going to give it a go.

1.6 is the version I should be looking for right?

Many are adamant that 1.6 is better.

I've got both, and from my perspective 1.6 looks really, really outdated on today's computers. I'd say that if you aren't a traditionalist/purist get Source instead.
Guess I'll go for source. Cheapest one I could find was 14 quid though.
Ooh i hated Counterstrike. Too many hackers on it. Its abit like Modern Warfare. Although MW is great. You just need to find the right server.

I'm going to buy Battlefield 2 soon. Ive heard thats the best one at the moment.

I still play Medal of Honor Allied Assault. Its very old but good fun. Im awesome at it. I was ranked 6th in the world years ago :)
Jesus is this still around?! The beta versions were out when I was in high school in the late 90's and then they released 'version 1' and it was shite, not played it since then.
1.6 was the peak. I play source because of my clan but 1.6 is the best CS experience, so long as you can get over the graphics.

The same thing happened to Day of Defeat. It's last update on the old HL engine made it about as awesome as you could imagine it getting, then it got updated to source and it was two steps backwards in terms of content and gameplay, though a step forwards in graphics.
Trust me. If you haven't played CS Source Team Deathmatch you are seriously missing out.

CS is still to this day the most played online shooter on earth.

Must be a reason for that.