

Lineup Prediction & Last Man Standing winner 2017
Mar 19, 2006
Talking about the film here about Ian Curtis.

Jujst watched it for about the 10th time and it is Probably the most hardhitting film.
Absolutely mesmorising, in fact it is my favourite film EVER. Joy Division are just immenese.
Talking about the film here about Ian Curtis.

Jujst watched it for about the 10th time and it is Probably the most hardhitting film.
Absolutely mesmorising, in fact it is my favourite film EVER. Joy Division are just immenese.
I did not know about this film so i will watch it when i gets time & let you know what i think about it ;)

p.s is this on any torrent sites
I thought the Joy Division documentary was way better than Control.... I read the book too 'Touching from a distance'. I actually preferred the actor that played Curtis in '24 Party People' to the bloke who played him in Control.
Have yet to see that. Will definately have to watch that if it is better than Control
That Annik bird he was knobbing is in it... still pretty tidy now, she's got to knocking on for 50.