BBC with a real 'quality' interview:
If by quality you mean a ridiculous "the front fell off" type of idiotic utterances.
Yeah thanks mate, never would have gotten the idea that ships driving into each other wasn't standard procedure and that something had gone wrong. The statement about double hulls is mindbogglingly dumb - no ship, double hull or not, is built to withstand the force of getting T-boned by another large ship at sixteen knots. If that happens you can only hope that the compartmentalisation is good enough that the ship keeps floating, but nothing is going to stop an impact with that amount of force behind it to penetrate both hulls. And yes, an investigation should clear up what happened. That's kinda the point of doing one.
At least so far it seems that neither ship is sinking. In fact the fires seem to be put out and currently it seems like the Stena Immaculate has been boarded and the ship's pumps are working rapidly to pump out all the water the firefighting vessels sprayed aboard it:
That leaves good hope that at least not all of their cargo and their own fuel spills into the sea. The cargo being Jet-A fuel is a mixed blessing - it is lighter than crude oil or ship diesel and does not tend to flake and sink in the water column from what I read, making it easier to contain and clean up, and plenty of it might have burned off already, but it is also considered more toxic. As for the sodium cyanide, no idea what the results of that would be if it got into the sea.
I would not at all be surprised if the investigation ended up with the cause being the watch officer on deck being negligent in his duties. It would be far from the first time that an accident was the result of a watchman having fallen asleep, being on the phone with their family or watching a video, or any other kind of being distracted and not having their eyes where they should be: on the radar and on the horizon.