Command and Conque: Tiberium wars


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
I baught this for the PC when it first came out as I was ready to move on from Generals and thought it was pretty good, was just wondering if the Xbox version actually 'works'?

I recently saw it pre-owned for Xbox in 'game' for 8quid, is why I ask. I've never played a stratagy scroll game on a console sinse the playstation one, and won't be forking out forty quid for C&C three incase I don't like it.

I'll prob buy this anyway as its only 8 quid, but was just wondering if any of you guys have played this and if it's any good?

In before command and Conque.
I tried the demo for PS3, tbh it wasn't as good as C&C was on the N64, or Starcraft, for that matter. Maybe I'm just getting older.

It looked good but it wasn't my thing.

Wait, maybe I'm thinking of the wrong one.
You can't beat Red Alert 2 in my opinion, made me fail a year in college the bastard of a game
Red Alert and Red Alert 2 was the pinnacle of the series. The rest I haven't been impressed with, though I did enjoy Generals.
I enjoyed the generals and the extended pack:zero hour. However, C&C 3 was a big disappointment. But I was more into multi player mode than the campaign.

Of course, I don't go near the campaign mode... It's just about being able to accomplish a 20 game winning streak online for me. Zero hour was the hounds Cahonees, I think the realism in the units adds to the game.

Red Alert and Red Alert 2 was the pinnacle of the series. The rest I haven't been impressed with, though I did enjoy Generals.

Red alert is cool aye. That's the one with the Americans and soviets etc right? The last one i played was red alert retaliation on the playsation one, <3 tesla coils. Zero hour is prob my fave. You not tried Tiberium wars on a console then?