Colm Lynch


Clare Baldings Daughter plays too much Wordscapes
Feb 7, 2008
Any Caftards heard of this fellow? Really top class tunes, reminds me of Dylan with a hint of Springsteen in some tunes. He played at my debs a few years back and has really gone onto much better things since. Keep an eye out.

Balcony TV are brutal they let anyone on..........

Hi Pops!!!!!


It's true in a way, but they do get some cracking artists on every now and then. Not many videos of Colm with decent sound quality to choose from so BTV will have to do.
Lynchers a great song writer he lived about two minutes from my gaff funnily enough I know one or two of his mates really well, I first heard of him playing gigs easily 10 years ago when i was just getting into boozing in pubs as a young un i actually woked with a close mate of his who told me to check em out as he was a great singer. He was doin covers and the likes with one or two of his own thrown in there.

I personally think he's an amazingly talented musician and would'nt mind the band im in hookin up with em some time for a track
Yup. First heard of him about 5 years ago through a friend in work who knows him very well. Seems like a very talented lad.
Saw him for the first time in ages last night. Never seen him play with the band before and I have to say it's an absolutely fantastic show. One big song for this fella and he'll be going places. I was reminded of the Boss last night, which is a very rare feeling at a gig for me.