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New Member
May 29, 2009
In bed with Berbatov's dad
Ridiculously gay band fronted by a curly haired muppet with a knobhead wife with kids sporting abysmal names.
Shite songs filled with high pitched interludes and queer videos to accompany them.
Lead singer dances and waves arms about during performance and writes stupid stuff on his hands in a supposed political stance for 'free trade now' which was always important to a Cambridge under-grad who spent his childhood summers at his grandparents farm in Zimbabwe.
I declare a boycott of them immediately.......
Though doth protest to much. You will have us all boycotting, whilst in private you will be poncing around your room, headphones on listening to their entire works wearing nothing but Y-fronts, covered head to toe in vaseline, whilst touching yourself innapropriately to pictures of Chris Martin.
Currently watching the newest episode of Californication and the coed that Hank is gonna feck just said how he gave a whole lecture on how he hated Coldplay so much
"People like Coldplay and voting for the Nazis, you can't trust people."
Parachutes was a great album....Regardless of how 'gay' it was. The rest are shite though
Quite possibly the worst was that song saying "I can feel it go down in my mouth" with the young hunk and the old knob getting thrown about gymnastically in the video, it was mesmerisingly pathetic, yet what really gets me riled is stuff like the recent MTV awards when they were nominated for best ROCK band.
Best ROCK band for feck's sake, I've eaten harder rock in Blackpool, they are adult contemporary at best........
How can you have a band with a gimp like that for a frontman? You gotta have a proper lad to front your band. A mate of mine reckons it's a Southern thing, I don't because the Pistols had Johnny Rotten, the Clash had Strummer, even this Pete Doherty might be a wreckhead but at least he's a lad, Chris Martin is just a fanny with curly blond(e) gayness stamped on his fod....

:lol: menacing!
I watched Chemical Brothers over them at Glastonbury. That makes me a bit of a dude.
They look like they're hoodlums more than boy band to be honest.

But some of their songs are ok (viva la vida and yellow)

at least they're thoughtful in their lyrics, unlike the "I love you, you're my everything" bieber type
Ridiculously gay band fronted by a curly haired muppet with a knobhead wife with kids sporting abysmal names.
Shite songs filled with high pitched interludes and queer videos to accompany them.
Lead singer dances and waves arms about during performance and writes stupid stuff on his hands in a supposed political stance for 'free trade now' which was always important to a Cambridge under-grad who spent his childhood summers at his grandparents farm in Zimbabwe.
I declare a boycott of them immediately.......

I saw them twice when they were on the Viva La Vida-tour, once at a festival. Very polished show. It's obviously a plus if you enjoy their music.

I really enjoyed their first two albums Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, but then I sort of grew out of it. X&Y and Viva La Vida didn't do much for me, but still enjoyed seeing them live both times.
I saw them twice when they were on the Viva La Vida-tour, once at a festival. Very polished show. It's obviously a plus if you enjoy their music.

I really enjoyed their first two albums Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, but then I sort of grew out of it. X&Y and Viva La Vida didn't do much for me, but still enjoyed seeing them live both times.

Cool, the missus is a huge fan, Im in your boat. Liked the first 2 mentioned & not so much the last 2. Hope it's alright. Been waiting on this for ages.

Hope you enjoy it mate. This is all people are talking about.

Thanks dude! Having supper at V & A, them off to stadium. Feels like the WC 2010 all over again 
I saw them last week in Atlanta. It was a very good show - probably top 3 of any I've been to. They did a great cover of 'Everybody Hurts' by R.E.M. as a tribute since they had just broken up and were from nearby Athens.
^ Pexbo :lol:. The anticipation/excitement got to me and my brain (typing) seems to have been affected a bit. Meant another 90mins to go before Coldplay's introduction.

I thought it was a great performance last night. A sold out 60,000 capacity venue, Coldplay's first performance in South Africa...ever. Played a total of 20 songs, with 14 of it coming from either Parachutes or a Rush of blood to the Head. So no complaints on this side.

Very, very pleased.
Are they that bad? I enjoy many of their songs.

That said, I didin't really dig the new album...
I must say I used to quite like Coldplay but its a bit like listening to paint dry now, really

Yeah, the new album is terrible. Some of the songs sound the same. I don't know how it's managed to get such good reviews.
Last couple of weeks I've really been getting into some Coldplay. Always liked a rush of blood to the head, one of the few albums I can genuinely listen all the way through without skipping tracks.
I love Coldplay.

Not the technically best band ever but they sound good.