Coheed and Cambria


Full Member
Aug 11, 2008
"Paul Scholes is fecking awesome" - Olly
Have been listening to The Second Stage Turbine Blade quite a bit over the last few days. Checked out the band on wikipedia and see that the albums are all related to comics that Claudio Sanchez (the lead singer) has written. Has anyone read these and are they any good? I've only been going on information on a fansite regarding the storyline/lyrics but was wondering how much reading the comics would enhance the listening experience. I wont bother with them if they're shite though.

Any fans on here?
Only 2 of the comics have been done so far from what I know. Good Apollo I was done as a graphic novel, but Claudio didn't really like it apparently, and he is having ALL the album comics done in the near future by a different artist. You can get SSTB on torrent. It's a good start to get you into the story, dealing with the murder of the children, House Atlantic, and the two sides of the war.

Without the comics, the music is pretty much up to the listener's interpretation of which character a lot of the songs are talking about, although it's generally easy to figure out. Also, is the huge fansite that has a lot of info.

Great band though, love 'em. Check out their live performances "Neverender: Children of the Fence". It's Co&Ca doing all 4 albums over 4 nights in order so you get the whole story.

They are playing at Austin City Limits later this year and I hope to catch them along with Pearl Jam. Their next album will be a prequel storyline.
Cheers USD :D

Yeah, cobaltandcalcium was the site I used to get the story. I tried to download SSTB via torrent but it doesn't download and stays at 0% unfortunately. I'll try and see if it's around for downloading elsewhere or I'll end up buying them/waiting for the remakes.

Thanks for the "Neverender" recommendation. Will be looking into it.
Cheers USD :D

Yeah, cobaltandcalcium was the site I used to get the story. I tried to download SSTB via torrent but it doesn't download and stays at 0% unfortunately. I'll try and see if it's around for downloading elsewhere or I'll end up buying them/waiting for the remakes.

Thanks for the "Neverender" recommendation. Will be looking into it.

No worries, if I can get off my lazy ass this weekend I'll see about getting the comic up on rapidshare or something for you.
Oops, still lazy and never uploaded the comic. But the new album is pretty good. Year Of The Black Rainbow. Seeing them down in Austin next week with Circa Survive and Torche.
I'm seeing them tomorrow in Charlotte. They were awesome the last time I saw them.
Awesome. I missed them the last 2 times they came down through here. Might catch them in Dallas or Oklahoma City for a second show if I can get the wife to take off work. From watching the Coachella vids from last weekend it seems Claudio's voice is back in full effect.
First two albums were great, then they went downhill fast. Will check out the new one now.
This, there early stuff was really good but now its meh at best. I havent heard there new album yet but I'll have to give it a listen.

You guys didn't like the Good Apollo I & II albums? I love their first two, but their latter albums are where most of the story is at. I'm pretty happy at the way they can change their sound but remain awesome though.
The concert was pretty good, but Torche is awful. They didn't do a soundcheck so everything was turned up to 11. We were probably 100 ft back and it was far too loud...the vocals were unintelligible. The "drummer" believes in bass drum and cymbals. That's it. If I had the chance again, I'd give them a miss and get to the place late.

Circa Survive were all right, nothing really special or terrible.

Coheed played a lot of new stuff that I hadn't heard before but were great.
The concert was pretty good, but Torche is awful. They didn't do a soundcheck so everything was turned up to 11. We were probably 100 ft back and it was far too loud...the vocals were unintelligible. The "drummer" believes in bass drum and cymbals. That's it. If I had the chance again, I'd give them a miss and get to the place late.

Circa Survive were all right, nothing really special or terrible.

Coheed played a lot of new stuff that I hadn't heard before but were great.

Sweet, I've been trying to see what has been the mainstays on their setlists. The new stuff has grown on me like NWFT did. I'll probably just drink during Torche and Circa Survive.
Circa Survive are awesome and their new album is probably better than Coheed's. Sounds like a good night.
Wow. Great show. Torche had some good riffs, but they were too loud to make anything out. Circa Survive put on a hell of a show. Coheed destroyed it. They played about 5-6 off the new record, with a solid mix of songs off the older 4 records. Delirium Trigger, IKSOSE:3, A Favor House Atlantic, and Everything Evil were insane. Their encore included Welcome Home, which turned the crowd into an MMA match. I know about 3-4 guys including myself just started tossing dudes up and over because we were trying to keep room for our women in front of us.