Clash of the Titans


Me like tugging
Dec 17, 2008
Our biggest enemy is going space crazy through lon
Can't believe there isn't a thread...

I'm off to watch it this evening, I don't expect nothing revolutionary, just a good action movie to take your mind of's a trailer for those who don't know what it's about:

...oh and I read that Frank Rost (Hamburg's keeper) left the club after they fined him for being late from the cinema after watching it...:lol:
It's not an epic by any stretch and the 3d is pointless and didn't add anything to the film for me.

But as films go i've seen worse and if you've an hour and half to be killed then it's not all that bad. If you go in with low expectations then probably like me you'll come out thinking it wasn't actually that bad. But I'd imagine if you go in expecting something akin to Gladiator then you're going to be let down.
Apparently it's like Alice in Wonderland where the "3D" is really, really shit. I think everyone's expecting something along the lines of Avatar now, and that just ain't gonna happen.
It's not an epic by any stretch and the 3d is pointless and didn't add anything to the film for me.

But as films go i've seen worse and if you've an hour and half to be killed then it's not all that bad. If you go in with low expectations then probably like me you'll come out thinking it wasn't actually that bad. But I'd imagine if you go in expecting something akin to Gladiator then you're going to be let down.

That's pretty much my summation of it. I've definately seen worse films and it doesn't drag on too much either (which is usually what puts me off this type of film). They shouldn't have bothered with the 3D processing though, it looked pretty crap and the main effect it had was to make everything a bit blurry.

The guy that plays Perseus is a terrible actor though.
It's not an epic by any stretch and the 3d is pointless and didn't add anything to the film for me.

But as films go i've seen worse and if you've an hour and half to be killed then it's not all that bad. If you go in with low expectations then probably like me you'll come out thinking it wasn't actually that bad. But I'd imagine if you go in expecting something akin to Gladiator then you're going to be let down.

Seen it, this is pretty much what I wanted to say, not a world-beater but I got what I expected...

Mind you, that trailer makes it look ok. I like the scorpion sting going in perfect time with the power chords.

Trailers are amazing really. They can make the worst flick look brilliant.

...and This.
I think it looks a bit shit in all honesty, the only reason they reformatted to 3-D was to make money
My mate watched it, said it was rubbish. I don't like the look of it from the trailer either.
Does this new one have that little mechanical owl Bubo?
It makes a two second appearance. Which is probably two seconds too long.
I watched it a couple of days ago and I liked it. However, I was the only one from a group of about 15 people. I like mythology a lot and maybe this is the reason. As you could expect, nice special effects, a good cast of actors but put forward in a rather simplified way. Kind of like Troy, the feeling that it has been created in a very simple way for the American public to digest.
the 3d effect is crap. Apart from the credits at the start and end I almost forgot it was even in 3D

Also, I have a bone to pick with the plot. This is a story which has survived the best part of 3000 fecking years - I think it's a reasonable assumption that it must be a half decent storyline to hang around for that long, so WHY DO THEY feck WITH IT? It just pisses me off that they change the story to crowbar in a checklist of things which must happen - eg a couple of plot twists, a moment of angst for the hero, a love story etc...
Thanks to "Texts From Last Night", in my mind, I was replacing the word "Kracken" with "penis" which actually made the movie a bit better, if I'm honest.
I watched it a couple of days ago and I liked it. However, I was the only one from a group of about 15 people. I like mythology a lot and maybe this is the reason. As you could expect, nice special effects, a good cast of actors but put forward in a rather simplified way. Kind of like Troy, the feeling that it has been created in a very simple way for the American public to digest.

If you knew your mythology you'd know that story was about as true to the original as Tiger Woods was to his wife.
Supposed to be going to see this today. If it's looking like being as bad as everyone's saying it is, I might just use it as an opportunity to actually get some sleep
It's rubbish, at times it's filmed so badly that you are unable to see anything on the screen because it's too dark (I was checking my 3D glasses every 5 minutes as I thought they were dirty and distorted my view, but in fact they weren't) and the rest of it is pointless. There was literally nothing interesting about this movie.
The thing is he isnt that bad, in Terminator he was one of its few brite spots

:lol: That was such a let down. The worst was at the end when they gave each other that really gay look. Much like Sam and Frodo.
The original was one of my all-time favourite films as a kid.
On that basis alone, I may need to watch this.

Got to agree with this. The only reason I saw it. I've seen the original way too many times as a kid and went for purely nostalgic reasons. Was still pretty shit though.