Chuck Micaleff...


Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
May 5, 2003
Where Albert Stubbins scored a diving header
...has emailed me to ask why he's unable to post anywhere except the Newbie

Sort it noods, or I'll tell them all what you said in that PM, about how you fantasise about Arthur Scargill dressed in a Godzilla costume, being tromboned by Zenab Badawi
Leave him there. He's an ignorant cnut who doesn't deserve to get out under any circumstances.

Yeah I still hate him, even from when we were both in the newbies. Cretin.
Plechazunga said:
...has emailed me to ask why he's unable to post anywhere except the Newbie

Sort it noods, or I'll tell them all what you said in that PM, about how you fantasise about Arthur Scargill dressed in a Godzilla costume, being tromboned by Zenab Badawi
Probably because he's racist scum of the earth.

He sounds like a top guy this chuck fella.

Noodle sort it or Plech will have you raped my centipedes....again.
Lock him in the transfer fobrum with jason and only give carefully selected posters viewing rights.