Film Chris Hemsworth to take ‘time off’ from acting after discovering Alzheimer’s risk

Pogue Mahone

Queen of Fecking Everything
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Chris Hemsworth has discovered he has a significantly heightened risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease due to genetic factors, prompting the Thor actor to take some time off from acting.

The 39-year-old Australian actor learned he had two copies of the gene ApoE4, inherited from both his parents, after undergoing tests as part of his Disney+ documentary series Limitless.

Those tests confirmed his “biggest fear”, Hemsworth told Vanity Fair in an interview, showing he is among just 2-3% of the population who are as much as 10 times more likely to develop the disease than those without both copies of the gene.

Poor fella. That’s a heavy burden to deal with.

Having 10x the relative risk still wouldn’t make his absolute risk super high but would be scary as hell nonetheless .
How common is it to test for something like this? Sounds like he got lucky with it turning up in a routine medical.
How common is it to test for something like this? Sounds like he got lucky with it turning up in a routine medical.
It was part of a documentary he was making
I don’t really understand what taking time off will help though? alzheimer’s is usually something that kicks in with age right?
I don’t really understand what taking time off will help though? alzheimer’s is usually something that kicks in with age right?

Which will make the time he has now feel much more precious.

Plus he seems to want to remove as much stress as possible from his life. As that could potentially help prevent or delay the diagnosis.
How much do the crazy crash diets and gear go into this as well. I love the bloke and think he’s a solid actor but surely what his body through to be Thor comes at a cost
In this case he inherited the genes from his parents so that's completely seperate from anything he does or takes.
I don’t really understand what taking time off will help though? alzheimer’s is usually something that kicks in with age right?

He has kids and a wife. He learned some pretty upsetting news and is taking some time to reflect and be with those who matter most until he figures out what he wants to do moving forward
It's so brutal. Knew people and their families who have had it and I've seen it rip through them. Horrific disease. Hope he really doesn't get it.
I don’t really understand what taking time off will help though? alzheimer’s is usually something that kicks in with age right?
Its quite devastating and live changing. People would just want to retreat into their shells and ket their inner monologues decide.
If only there was another or perhaps many other Hemsworths to fill all of those acting roles while he’s taking time off.
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2-3% of the population is fecking loads of folk though?
That’s horrible, must be a proper head feck.

He seems like a great bloke, not that you’d want someone to get this news if they weren’t of course. Hope nothing comes of it.
Fecking awful for him. I’m not sure I’d ever go for that test to be honest - the absolute headfeck of knowing it was more likely would mess me right up.
Alzheiners robbed my dad of his last 20 years and robbed me of my dad. If I discovered I was predisposed to it, and obviously if I could afford to, I'd do exactly the same as CH.
Would you like to know stuff like this so you could adjust or would you prefer to plod along?

Is dementia increasing as life expectancy increases?
Would you like to know stuff like this so you could adjust or would you prefer to plod along?

Is dementia increasing as life expectancy increases?
Know in advance for sure. People take life and health for granted until shit comes along and they regret many things they’ve neglected.
Know in advance for sure. People take life and health for granted until shit comes along and they regret many things they’ve neglected.

Yeah, that's true. But maybe it could just stress you out or bring about fatalism that might be more damaging to your psyche. I'm not sure. Hemsworth, from the glimpses of him seems a pretty chilled and clean living chap, (for arguments sake lets pretend that's true) so I'm not sure overall if the stress of the news would outweigh any positive changes. Although that's all guesswork, from a position of ignorance on pretty much all aspects of the discussion.
How much do the crazy crash diets and gear go into this as well. I love the bloke and think he’s a solid actor but surely what his body through to be Thor comes at a cost
A lot of actors are on some kinda gear, but Hemsworth isn't a particularly big fella. It's rather unlikely he abuses steroids considering how small he is. The bloke that plays captain america looks more "thor-like".
Would you like to know stuff like this so you could adjust or would you prefer to plod along?

Is dementia increasing as life expectancy increases?
I'd want to know. Seeing how it ate my dad up from as young as 59, I remember one day we were watching summat on TV and in moments of lucidity he would often start sentences with 'I wish I'd ...'

He was always gearing up for retirement but never really got one. If by knowing I could dodge some of his genuine sadness I would.
Don’t we pretty much all get it anyway if we live long enough

Nope. There are a bunch of different causes of dementia. Alzheimer’s is just one of them. But it tends to affect you earlier and be more severe. Many of us (but not all) may get some form of dementia if we live long enough but not necessarily Alzheimer’s. Even in over 70s, the incidence of dementia doesn’t get much higher than 1 in 10 people.
I am a few episodes into that documentary series and it's brilliant. Hemsworth seems like such a good guy. Getting that news must be devastating, especially for a guy as into longevity as he is.
If only there was another or perhaps many other Hemsworths to fill all of those acting roles while he’s taking time off.

Must have been horrible for him to find out, hope he never gets it.
I had one of these tests done when the google owned test still did health factors. I've got one of the pair which is 4 times as much risk but still very small overall. Even teo was low until you get into your 80s

No real family history of it mind you. Guess if you did it would make a big difference.
Prefer to plod along, definitely.

And yeah, aging population = more dementia.
It's already the biggest killer in the UK as it overtook heart disease a few years ago. It's also the biggest drain on the NHS and Social care and is only increasing year on year due to people living longer.