Chiles Quits BBC

Who will host it now? Nobody springs to mind.
They've been trying to force him out for a while now. Ever since he grew that beard and he refused to shave it off, although i guess there was more before that.

how about him?
I'd rather he stayed on MOTD 2 which I don't watch too often than having to put up with him on ITV's CL coverage.
Dick head. I don't like him by default now that he's transferred to that shower of shite. Despise everything about ITV. Tabloids on tele
Word on the street is that Mockney's been approached.
According to a piece in The Guardian, Tim Lovejoy is the favourite to take over from Chiles.

Jesus tittyfecking Christ.
Jimmy Carr was taking the piss when he was on today....not that i watched it or anything...
Have you ever seen a mascot do something really, really skillful in the warm-up, and thought to yourself, "Aye aye, he's a bit good, maybe he should jog out this afternoon instead of one of our lot!"?

I mean, do you ever think things like that? Cos I do, from time to time.