Closest I have come to reading one of these book - is watching a Bridget Jones Trailer once.
Seems to be getting a bad rap by established authors, which I think is unfair.
However, without doubt the chick Lit market is one of the most successful Marketing / business / print / sales operation I have ever seen.
30% of chick Lit sales now come from Tesco's, 70% of the book are chosen by cover design, while 60% of female readers will follow a specific author. Chick Lit is also producing more female Millionaires then any other business.
Top Shop is the latest High St shop to start to target the 16+ chick Lit age group with one Irish Authur Ruth Kellegher (age 19) selling 19K books through Top shop Alone and has advance contracts for another 4 novels.
Any of you studying Marketing or Business should study this market. Fasinating stuff and has me looking with praise.
Seems to be getting a bad rap by established authors, which I think is unfair.
However, without doubt the chick Lit market is one of the most successful Marketing / business / print / sales operation I have ever seen.
30% of chick Lit sales now come from Tesco's, 70% of the book are chosen by cover design, while 60% of female readers will follow a specific author. Chick Lit is also producing more female Millionaires then any other business.
Top Shop is the latest High St shop to start to target the 16+ chick Lit age group with one Irish Authur Ruth Kellegher (age 19) selling 19K books through Top shop Alone and has advance contracts for another 4 novels.
Any of you studying Marketing or Business should study this market. Fasinating stuff and has me looking with praise.