Chick Lit


The Baz Man - He made us laugh 2000 - 2012
May 17, 2000
Dines out
Closest I have come to reading one of these book - is watching a Bridget Jones Trailer once.

Seems to be getting a bad rap by established authors, which I think is unfair.

However, without doubt the chick Lit market is one of the most successful Marketing / business / print / sales operation I have ever seen.

30% of chick Lit sales now come from Tesco's, 70% of the book are chosen by cover design, while 60% of female readers will follow a specific author. Chick Lit is also producing more female Millionaires then any other business.

Top Shop is the latest High St shop to start to target the 16+ chick Lit age group with one Irish Authur Ruth Kellegher (age 19) selling 19K books through Top shop Alone and has advance contracts for another 4 novels.

Any of you studying Marketing or Business should study this market. Fasinating stuff and has me looking with praise.
I've read "House of the Spirits" and "Daughter of Fortune" by Isabel Allende. AND I've seen Bridget Jones... thing I'll be shopping skirts with Guti :(
Isn't Chick Lit just brain dead nothingness for a braindead audience?

Also, it sounds like clit when said fast. That is no bad thing.
I think you mean the soft-covers with a painting of a handsome man with huge nipples on the cover, and you can buy at petrol stations. Never read any of those...