Cheating chucker legalised by cowardly ICC


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
FFS what is the point of trying to do it properly if all you have to do is whine until the governing body allow you to cheat. Might as well allow baseball pitchers to bowl.
Come now thats a bit strong dont you think?
I assume you talking about Muralitharin yeh?

He had xrays/tests etc to confirm he had a super extended bone in his hand or something from what i read.
Not even slightly harsh. I think the bone in question is in his elbow.

They have put him through numerous tests and it wasn't his delivery in general that was ruled illegal (although highly supicious) but a single type of delivery (Dosra or something like that) where he throws the ball instead of bowling it. Nowt to do with his arm having a bit of a natural bend in it and everything to do with him bending his arm by 15 degres and then straightening it during the delivery to get extra spin.

They have tripled the amount of bend that is allowable just to accomodate his cheating chuck. Other bowlers work within the rules and either don't use methods that contravene the rules or work on the problem. Not in this case.

Why should kids try to learn to bowl properly when the rules are now so lax. Daryl Haire had is spot on years ago and was virtually run out of International cricket for having the guts to stand up and demand that the rules be adhered to. The ICC coped out then and they are coping out now.
That was a indeed a strange decission.
And wibble you are wrong, it wasnt taken only to accomdate or please murali, but apparently ICC for past few months, especially during champion's trophy have studied a large no. of bowlers actions and many of them were found to be violating the current degree law, so they thought instead of reprimanding so many players, they should alter the law.
Only one person's delivery has been ruled illegal. The introduction of a 15 degree limit when the illegal action was measured at 14 degrees shows it was a purely political decision that allowed the cheater to bowl his chuck again once he returned from injury.

There are 5 or 6 other bowlers, possibly including Shoaib Akhtar and Shoaib Malik, who have suspect actions and who are going to be scrutinised but what is the point? They have just changed the rules so nobody has a suspect action.

Even of there were a large number of bowlers with actions that involved a 15 degree straightening then they should have to adhere to the rules and/or have remedial training. The actions of the ICC are the equivalent of FIFA allowing a sriker to be 3 yards offside because lots of strikers are often 3 yards offside.

In Murali's case he would be 10 yards offside and still whinging like a Gooner that the world was picking on him.
Let them chuck it, fire it out of a canon, attach it to an intercontinental ballistic missile, fit a satellite guidance system, whatever. Still no cnut going to beat the Aussies anyway. Test cricket at the moment is getting boring cos it's Australia light years ahead of any other nation.
Wibble said:
Only one person's delivery has been ruled illegal. The introduction of a 15 degree limit when the illegal action was measured at 14 degrees shows it was a purely political decision that allowed the cheater to bowl his chuck again once he returned from injury.

There are 5 or 6 other bowlers, possibly including Shoaib Akhtar and Shoaib Malik, who have suspect actions and who are going to be scrutinised but what is the point? They have just changed the rules so nobody has a suspect action.

Even of there were a large number of bowlers with actions that involved a 15 degree straightening then they should have to adhere to the rules and/or have remedial training. The actions of the ICC are the equivalent of FIFA allowing a sriker to be 3 yards offside because lots of strikers are often 3 yards offside.

In Murali's case he would be 10 yards offside and still whinging like a Gooner that the world was picking on him.
Well I saw a interview of Gavaskor on one of the shows here, and he heads the committe which took this decision. He said that a large no. of bowlers were found to be violating current chucking law and it was very difficult for the ICC to keep in check this chucking thing, as it is almost impossible for field umpire to heep it in check. Also there is no point in repeatingly peanalising these bowlers later since they have already used it to their advantage in the match and the result of the match cant be reversed.

Also one of the rumours around here was: apparently crickets boards got this list of bowlers who were violating the current law and it also included the names of some aussie bowlers , which SRL board reportedly told murali and then he proceeded to make the allegations against the likes of mcgrath and lee. After that he was reprimanded by SRL board and told tp not speak to the press without their permission.

I do agree with you though that it was a real daft thing to do .
Murali has been making unfounded allegations against the Aussies for ages. Mainly sour grapes since an Aussie is the only one to have the guts to call him on his action combined with the open distain many Aussie cricketers have for his cheating.

The ICCare sriously concerned about 6 bowlers, none of them Aussies, according to recent reports eminating from the ICC. There are of course many bowlers who might have been contravening the regulations, particulalry the five degree rule. But that doesn't change the fact that the ICC have tripled the allowable straighteneing with the sole aim of not having to take hard decisions about Murili and a number of other bowlers.

If any Aussie were contravening rules then they should be required to undergo remedial training and not use their offending delivery until they have. Of course now there will be no need since cheating has been legalised.

You will also now get bowlers adapting their delivery to gain the extra speed or spin allowed by the regulations. absolute madness.
Wibble said:
Murali has been making unfounded allegations against the Aussies for ages. Mainly sour grapes since an Aussie is the only one to have the guts to call him on his action combined with the open distain many Aussie cricketers have for his cheating.

The ICCare sriously concerned about 6 bowlers, none of them Aussies, according to recent reports eminating from the ICC. There are of course many bowlers who might have been contravening the regulations, particulalry the five degree rule. But that doesn't change the fact that the ICC have tripled the allowable straighteneing with the sole aim of not having to take hard decisions about Murili and a number of other bowlers.

If any Aussie were contravening rules then they should be required to undergo remedial training and not use their offending delivery until they have. Of course now there will be no need since cheating has been legalised.

You will also now get bowlers adapting their delivery to gain the extra speed or spin allowed by the regulations. absolute madness.
Yeap, they may as well allow base ball style pitching
Come on guys, people winged about reverse swing because it was Pakistanis until the England bowlers learnt the art, same with bouncers in the W Indies hayday, S Akhtars action was changed by the ICC cause he terrified the batsmen, now he is useless.

Respect the guy he is a genius as with warne.
The difference being that Warne doesn't have to cheat to get wickets. Now neither does Murali. Imaging how many more wickets Warne would have if he were allowed to bend his arm, thus getting more spin, for his whole career.

I hear that Roger Clemens is going to give cricket a go now that his action has been legalised.

Some adjustment in the allowed degree of arm straightening allowed was inevitable, particularly with fast bowlers but that doesn't me you should chage the rules to allow anything. All this does is allow people to train to throw instead of bowl.
Wibble)Imaging how many more wickets Warne would have if he were allowed to bend his arm said:
Warne dont have a disability to bend his arm in the way Murali can, Chandrasekhar of India had some disability he used to his credit as well.
Disability my arse. He has a slight bend in his elbow.

This isn't about how bent his arm is when fully extended. It is about how much he bends his elbow from its maximum extension and then straightens it up during his delivery to get extra spin. If it was due to his "disability" then all of his deliveries would have been judged illegal and not just his dosrah (or whatever he calls it).
Bit late in his career to to be judged illegal mate, the chucking thing is a creation by the technos.

Doosra is an Indian word meaning the "second" or it could also mean "the other"
But his delivery has been illegal all along. Daryl Haire called him repeatedly on and gto slaughtered for doing the right thing. The ICC have copped out all the way and have finally copped out and fecked up the game at the same time.
The game has sadly been in decline for a few decades, Muralis major problem has mostly been the tours to Australia, That is may be his gripe with the Aussies.

The cop as out as you say by the ICC on this occasion is understandble seeing what major repurcussions it could have had.