Cheap, fun 360 games


Full Member
Nov 30, 2007
After desperately wanting a 360 for so long, I've noticed myself playing it less and less recently. Serious, difficult games frustrate me, and my internet access (shared among 5 of us and used for torrents) is too laggy for online play. I've got about as much value out of fable 2 as I can, so until fable 3 comes along, can you recommend and fun single player off line games?
Mass Effect 1 & 2 (they have 'easy' difficulty settings), only Mass Effect is cheap though.
If cheap is what you want, The Ninja Gaiden series should be going for a pretty cheap price now. They are good, solid action games with variety in its combat system.
Banjo Kazooie

Saints Row 2

These two are both great fun, Banjo Tooie as well. And keeping with the arcade theme Braid shouldn't be missed.

GTA IV is pretty cheap now and worth a go if you like the series.

I enjoyed Afro Samurai as well, hack and slash all the way, Ninja Blade is another, WET as well if not for the soundtrack alone.

If you like RPG's then Star Ocean, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect.

But before all those buy the double pack of Oblivion and Bioshock, you will not regret it.
Mass Effect, Bioshock, GTA IV, Batman : Arkham Asylum, Dead Space, Far Cry 2, Gears of War, Crackdown, Mirrors Edge, The Orange Box.

Xbox live purchases (that don't need online play) - Braid, Trials HD, Splosion Man, Outrun, Rez.
My six penn'eth

Mass Effect - great value now and an absolute must for any XBOX gamer (about a tenner)

Duke Nukem 3D - fantastic legacy shooter (download for about £6)