Charlie Brookers 2011 Wipe

Thanks for the heads up.Lots for him to get his teeth into this year.
Cheers for the reminder. I doubt Kim Jong-Il will feature as it was too late.
Yeah, cheers. I had wanted to watch that, but in Ireland BBC4 isn't on the normal channels on sky so we can't watch it.
Loved it. It was like being wrapped in a big subversive liberal slanket & spoon fed all the achingly trendy satiristic wank I love by a guardian reader's collectors edition spoon.

Though Brooker's geek pie is a bit of a worry.
Probably the best thing on this Xmas. 60 mins didn't seem long enough, really.

Agree about his hair Mockers. I blame the wife.
And incidentally Doug Stanhope's tiny little punchline featurette on royalty was so spot on it almost made me applaud it. It is hilariously ironic that royalist Brits - or even blasely sympathetic or apologist royalists - can feel they can criticise the democratically elected idiots the US get blasted for. Yes, our royals have no power comparatively, but the very fact so many people sheeped out to watch, admire or merely pay lip service to such primitive classist antiquated bollocks (no matter how much tourism it my speculatively bring) is far more of an embarrassment to us than a democratically elected premier being a bit dimmer than expectations is to them.

I'm sure Rednev will agree.
Can I download this in shit-hot quality anywhere? Would be nice for my New Year's party, at least when everyone else has gone to bed.
How many times do you edit your posts Mockers? I've refreshed a couple of times and each times it's been slightly different. You pedantic son of a gun.

Agree with your point (well Stanhope's point) about the royals mind. But I thought the best comment was the one about the people taking photo's of Gaddafi.
I edit all my posts a minimum of 3 times...I'm essentially a hugely over excitable spastic who needs a constant editing to keep them relevant and humorous....Like Lee Evans, but less of a cnut.

Also, watching Adam Curtis again made me remember both how much I love his work, and how much of a hack is actually is, at exactly the same time.
My main problem with these kind of shows is that they are basically rehashed stuff you'd find on the internet, I mean I saw that Good News show for the first time the other day and it was awful as it basically robbed jokes directly from youtube comments and stuff, at least Brooker puts his own spin on things, which is obviously mostly good.....but yeah, I just found myself bored for portions of it.
I thought it was a bit boring considering all the subject matter they had. I obviously laughed at bits of it, but it wasn't Brooker's best stuff.

And I don't get the fuss about Adam Curtis, he just chats a load of cobbled together bollocks over old stock footage.