Cavic wuz robbed?

anything about now

MUFC lad living in a matriel world
Nov 18, 2007
Look at this photo circulating the web at the moment:


There are allegations that Omega somehow tampered the sensor to give Phelps an advantage.

Conspiracy theories aside, does anyone know the official rule? Do you have to push the sensors hard enough to activate it to win, or do you onlly need to reach there first? Assuming this picture wasn't photoshopped, I think Cavic could have a case here.

Another photo:
I guess the underwater photos(the ones that are much clearer were faked), come the feck on I swam for 18 years adn was on national teams(in the US no less) and Cavic lost the race because he glided which isnt that bad, but Phelps had an absolute perfect finish, so even if Cavic was ahead 99.999m, he still wasnt ahead at 100.0 m, and lost fair and square
Could it be that Micheal Phelps' purported victory over Milorad Cavic is just an optical mirage, a result of egregious manipulation of the records or all of the above? Time will show if the denial of Serbian gold is an attempt to teach the Serbian people another lesson in American covert foreign policy.
Phelps and Cavic did well to engineer a race so close that it allowed Omega to rig it eh :rolleyes:

That photo shows neither has touched the pads yet. And as we know Cavic glided in while Phelps stroked home, Phelps covered the remaining distance quicker

I'm afraid Cavic only has himself to blame. Unless he was in on the conspiracy too...