Catherine and El Shaddai


Know-It-All Champion May 2009
Mar 31, 2006
Fratton Park, play up Pompey!
Didn't see any threads on either of these games so thought i'd stick one up and see what people have made of them, that is if you've even heard of them!


The actual gameplay in it is a nightmare world where you have to push and pull blocks to climb up and reach the top of a huge tower, you also spend the time you're awake in a bar or with either of the K/Catherine's. During the bits with K/Catherine you have some decisions to make and based on what answers you give you can get a different ending. I think there's 9 in all.

I really enjoyed it, multiple endings, annoyingly addictive gameplay and some great anime style cutscenes.

Here's some in game footage seeing as that trailer doesn't have any, it's a little spoilerish as it shows one of the boss stages.

El Shaddai

I've only just started this but it is very strange. You're a guy in just a pair of jeans and some white pieces of metal stuck to you told to go find some rebelious fallen angels for God. It's mainly platforming with hack and slash combat, but it's got a really unique artstyle and the save points are a bloke on a mobile phone having a chat with God, which is nice.

Anybody played either of these? What do you think of them?
I was meaning to give Catherine a go, heard some good things about it.

Is it officially released in the UK then?
Catherine is confirmed for a UK release but there's no release date yet. Tried the demo's different. But didn't think much to it - I assume that's the usual Japenese 'weirdness'. Sometimes it's endearing but sometimes just weird.
played the catherine demo but didn't really get into it, the cut scenes were incredibly long and largely tedious (even on the demo!) and the gameplay itself was a bit plain, nothing really exciting about it

i've got the demo for el shaddai but haven't played it yet
Catherine does have long cutscenes telling the story of Vincent and a lot of the game is spent talking to people, so it's a game for people who love a good story (and it is one in my opinion) not one for instant gratification. But it does get quite frantic during the nightmare tower sections.

El Shaddai's demo shows off probably the dullest looking area of the game i've seen so far, which isn't the best way to sell it.